Dean's Welcome

Welcome to Kemmy Business School (KBS), Ireland’s largest business school. With a reputation for excellence in business education, the triple accredited KBS is one of Ireland’s leading business schools, providing a first-class education designed to prepare graduates for successful and rewarding careers. Testimony to the schools commitment to operate at the highest standards of international business education is its position among the 1% of international business schools who are holders of three coveted international business school accreditations, namely AACSBEQUIS & AMBA.

Through our programs and our research, and true to Jim Kemmy who the school is named after, we effectively integrate the economy, society and the environment to deliver a positive student experience as well as positive outcomes for the community.   The KBS is the academic home to almost 3,500 students and over 120 enthusiastic faculty and staff and offers a wide range of business and management education programmes both on campus and at external locations throughout Ireland.

Professor Finbarr Murphy, Executive Dean Kemmy Business School



With a reputation for excellence in business education, the triple accredited Kemmy Business School @ UL is one of Ireland’s leading business schools, providing a first-class education designed to prepare graduates for successful and rewarding careers.

Kemmy Business School most significant historical events to date:

1972 - Establishment of the NIHE, Limerick, when first students were admitted, and the BBS programme enrolled 30 students. Executive MBA programme launched in 1984.

1989 - University status conferred on the NIHE, Limerick and the University of Limerick inaugurated.  The University awards its own degrees and other academic qualifications.

2008 - KBS moves to new purpose-built location incorporating the first Trading Floor in a business school in Ireland; first integrated Research Strategy adopted; KBS becomes the first Business School in Ireland to sign up to the UN Global Compact Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME).

2009/10EPAS Accreditation awarded for BBS Suite of programmes and the MSc in HRM. Project Management Institute accreditation of the Masters in Project Management (7 years); Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) accreditation for the MSc in Work and Organisational Psychology, making it the first such accredited programme in Ireland.

2013/14 - KBS becomes a PRME Champion School. Corporate MBA programme awarded AMBA accreditation (5 years) on first application; KBS partnership agreement with the Revenue Commissioners extended for 10 years.

2017 - KBS receives the prestigious ‘Recognition for Excellence’ award from the UN for PRME reporting.

2019 - KBS becomes AACSB accredited; successful AMBA reaccreditation; KBS receives the Athena SWAN Bronze award to the expanded charter, the first business school in Ireland to do so.

2020/21 - UL moves to online learning in response to the COVID-19 crisis; KBS develops its Online Readiness Digital Hub in preparation for extensive online delivery in the 2020-21 academic year. KBS receives EQUIS accreditation and becomes Irelands 3rd triple-accredited business school

2022/23 - Launch of KBS Strategic Plan 2023-2028; launch of UL Research Strategy 2022-2027.

2023 - UL and the KBS both achieve Athena SWAN Silver awards: two firsts in Ireland. 

2024KBS receives both EQUIS and AMBA reaccreditations maintaining triple accredited business school status. UL Climbs 100+ places to 246 overall in the 2024 QS World University Rankings.