
Dr Darragh Flannery & Dr John Cullinan (NUIG)

Thesis Working Title

International Student Mobility: Socioeconomic Inequalities and Graduate Outcomes


Studying abroad for a semester or more has become increasingly popular amongst higher education students. In the EU for example, over 2 million international student mobilities were enabled under the Erasmus+ programme between 2014-2020. Moreover, the Erasmus+ budget doubled to €26.2 billion for the period 2021-2027, with additional supports targeted at promoting participation amongst students with fewer opportunities. Despite strong interest from both students and policymakers, issues surrounding social inequalities in participation, as well as the labour market outcomes associated with studying abroad, remains insufficiently understood. In this context, my research will address important information gaps surrounding study abroad participation and contribute to the existing literature on a number of fronts. Firstly, I will examine the relationship between study abroad participation and socioeconomic status in Ireland. Secondly, the perceived barriers associated studying abroad will be explored to better understand the mechanisms through which social inequalities exist. Finally, I will evaluate the labour market outcomes for mobile and non-mobile graduates in Ireland. My research will make an important contribution to the existing international literature and also provide unique evidence in the Irish context.