Selected Publications
Palcic, D. and E. Reeves (2011) Privatisation in Ireland: Lessons from a European Economy, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
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Refereed Journal Articles
O’Shea, C., Palcic, D. and E. Reeves (2020) “Using PPP to Procure Social Infrastructure: Lessons from 20 Years of Experience in Ireland”, Public Works Management & Policy, 25(3), pp. 201-213. DOI
Palcic, D., E. Reeves, D. Flannery and R. Geddes (2019) “Public-Private Partnership Tendering Periods: An International Comparative Analysis”, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, (published online 4 October). DOI
Palcic, D., Reeves, E. and M. Siemiatycki (2019) “Performance: the missing “P” in PPP research?”, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 90(2), 221-226. DOI
Casady, C., Flannery, D., Geddes, R.R., Palcic, D. and E. Reeves. (2019) “Understanding PPP tendering periods in Canada: a duration analysis”, Public Performance & Management Review, 42(6), 1259-1278. DOI
O’Shea, C., Palcic, D. and E. Reeves. (2019) “Comparing PPP with Traditional Procurement: The Case of Schools Procurement in Ireland”, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 90(2), 245-267. DOI
Palcic, D., Reeves, E. and A. Stafford (2018) “Lifting the lid: the private financing of motorway PPPs in Ireland”, The Economic and Social Review, 49(2), 217-239. Link
Cahill, C., Palcic, D. and E. Reeves (2018) "Striving to deliver: commercialisation and performance in Ireland’s postal sector", Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 89(3), 527-542. DOI
Geddes, R.R. and E. Reeves (2017) "The favourability of U.S. PPP enabling legislation and private investment in transportation infrastructure", Utilities Policy, 48, 157-165. DOI
Cahill, C., Palcic, D. and E. Reeves (2017) "Commercialisation and Airport Performance: The Case of Ireland’s DAA”, Journal of Air Transport Management, 59, 155-163. DOI
Reeves, E. and D. Palcic (2017) “Getting back on track: the expanded use of PPPs in Ireland since the global financial crisis”, Policy Studies, 38(4), 339-355. DOI
Reeves, E., Palcic, D., Flannery, D. and R. Geddes (2017) "The Determinants of Tendering Periods for PPP Procurement in the UK: An Empirical Analysis", Applied Economics, 49(11), 1071-1082. DOI
Palcic, D. and E. Reeves (2015) “Privatization and the Economic Performance of Irish Sugar/Greencore”, Applied Economics, 47(55), 5945-5961. DOI
Reeves, E. (2015) "A Review of the PPP Experience in Ireland: Lessons for Comparative Policy Analysis", Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 17(5), 467-480. DOI
Reeves, E., Palcic, D. and D. FLannery (2015) "PPP Procurement in Ireland: An Analysis of Tendering Periods", Local Government Studies, 41(3), 379-400. DOI
Palcic, D. and E. Reeves (2013) "Private Equity Leveraged Buyouts in European Telecoms: The Case of Eircom", Telecommunications Policy, 37(6-7), 573-582. DOI
Palcic, D. and E. Reeves (2013) "State-Owned Enterprise Policy and the Loss of Economic Sovereignty: The Case of Ireland", Public Organization Review, 13(2), 117-130. DOI
Reeves, E. (2013) “The Not So Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Over 12 Years of PPPs in Ireland”, Local Government Studies, 39(3), 375-395. DOI
McCarthy, D. and D. Palcic (2012) “The Impact of Large-scale Employee Share Ownership Plans on Labour Productivity: The Case of Eircom”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(17), 3710-3724. DOI
Palcic, D. and E. Reeves (2011) "Privatization, Employee Share Ownership and Governance: The Case of Eircom", Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 82(4), 437-454. DOI
McCarthy, D., Reeves, E. and T. Turner (2011) "Changing the Rules of the Game: The Impact of Privatization on Firm Industrial Relations", Public Management Review, 13(6), 845-860. DOI
Reeves, E. (2011) "The Only Game in Town: Public Private Partnerships in the Irish Water Services Sector", Economic and Social Review, 42(1), 95-111. DOI
McCarthy, D., Reeves, E. and T. Turner (2010) "Can Employee Share-Ownership Improve Employee Attitudes and Behaviour", Employee Relations, 32(4), 382-395. DOI
McCarthy, D., Reeves, E. and T. Turner (2010) "The impact of Privatisation and Employee Share-Ownership on Employee Commitment and Citizen Behaviour", Economic and Industrial Democracy, 31(3), 307-326. DOI
Palcic, D. and E. Reeves (2010) "Organisational Status Change and Performance: The Case of Ireland's National Telecommunications Operator", Telecommunications Policy, 34(5-6), 299-308. DOI
Palcic, D. and E. Reeves (2010) "Costly Business: Privatisation and Exchequer Finances in Ireland", Administration, 58(1), 29-53. DOI
Reeves, E., 2008, "The Practice of Contracting in Public Private Partnerships: Transaction Costs and Relational Contracting in the Irish Schools Sector", Public Administration, 86(3), 969-986. DOI
Reeves, E. and J. Ryan, 2007, "Piloting Public Private Partnerships: Expensive Lessons from Ireland's Schools Sector", Public Money and Management, 27(5), 331-337. DOI
D'Art, D. and T. Turner, 2006, "Profit Sharing and Employee Share Ownership in Ireland: A New Departure?", Economic and Industrial Deomocracy, 27(4), 543-564. DOI
Palcic, D. and E. Reeves. 2005. "An Economic Analysis of Privatisation in Ireland 1991-2003", Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, Vol. XXXIV, 1-27. DOI
Reeves, E. and D. Palcic, 2004, "Privatization Policy and Enterprise Performance: The Case of Ireland", Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 75(4), pp. 525-548. DOI
Hurst. C. and E. Reeves. 2004. "An Economic Analysis of Ireland's first Public Private Partnership", International Journal of Public Sector Management, 17(5), 379-388. DOI
Book Chapters
Cahill, C., Palcic, D. and E. Reeves (2015) “Balancing Commercial and Wider Economic Objectives: The Case of the Dublin Airport Authority”, in Bernier, L. (ed.) Public Enterprises Today: Missions, Performance and Governance, Brussels: Peter Lang, pp. 279-300.
Palcic, D. and E. Reeves, 2007, "Privatisation in Ireland: The Impact on Productivity and Performance", in Aylward, C. and R. O'Toole (Eds), Perspectives on Irish Productivity, Dublin: Forfas, pp. 193-208.
Reeves, E., 2005, "Public Private Partnerships in the Irish Roads Sector: An Economic Analysis" in G. Ragazzi and W. Rothengatter (Eds.) Procurement and Financing of Motorways in Europe, Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 107-121.
Kay, M. and E. Reeves. 2004, "Making PPPs Accountable: The Case of Ireland", in A.Ghobadian, D.Gallear, H.Viney & N.O'Regan (eds), Public Private Partnerships: Policy and Experience, London: Palgrave MacMillan, pp71-81.
Email: business@ul.ie
Postal Address: Faculty Office, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.