Executive Council
The business of the Association is arranged by an Executive Committee which comprises a Chairperson and members elected for a period of one year at the Annual General meeting held every November. The Executive Committee. The Officers of the Association are the Chairperson, the Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer and other Committee members. The current officers and Executive Committee Members are as follows:

Dr. Michelle O'Sullivan
Dept. of Work & Employment Studies
Kemmy Business School
University of Limerick
Limerick, Ireland
e: michelle.osullivan@ul.ie

Dr. Caroline Murphy
Dept. of Work & Employment Studies
Kemmy Business School
University of Limerick
Limerick, Ireland
e: caroline.murphy@ul.ie

Dr. Jonathan Lavelle
Kemmy Business School
University of Limerick
Limerick, Ireland
e: jonathan.lavelle@ul.ie
Council Members

Dr. Tish Gibbons
Dept. of Work & Employment Studies
Kemmy Business School
University of Limerick
Limerick, Ireland

Dr. Kieran Jack McGinley
President, Uniskin Press
Dr. Eugene Hickland (DCU)
Dr. Aurora Trif (DCU)
Prof. Tony Dundon (UL)
Dr. Peter Murray (NUIM)
Dr. Niall Cullinane (Queens University Belfast)
Dr. Huw Thomas (UCD)
Dr. Michael Moran (ATU)
Dr. Valentina Paolucci (NUIM)
Louise Patricia Murphy (CIT)
Dr. Mick Rock (WIT)
Eoin Coates (ETF-Europe)
Peter Kerckhofs (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions)
Dr. Maeve O'Sullivan (University of Galway)