This research cluster focuses on organisational practices and forms of organising in the international development, human rights promotion/protection, and humanitarian assistance sectors. The practices examined include but are not limited to project management, knowledge management, strategy and marketing.
The cluster provides a focal point for ongoing collaboration with non-governmental organisations, government bodies, other academic faculties and institutions, and for-profit organisations involved in international development, human rights protection, and humanitarian assistance.
Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals
Levie, F., Burke, C. M., & Lannon, J. (forthcoming). ‘Filling the gaps: An investigation of project governance in a non-governmental organisation's response to the Haiti earthquake disaster’. International Journal of Project Management.
Lannon, J. (forthcoming) 'An evaluation framework for ICT capacity building projects: Action research in Armenia'. Information Development, November 4, 2015 doi: 10.1177/0266666915615645
Lannon, J., Aherne, D., Burke, C. (2016) 'Project management in international development'. International Journal Of Managing Projects In Business, 9 (3).
Lannon, J., Walsh, J. (2016) ‘Reinvigorating project management research and practice: perspectives from the nonprofit sector’. Project Management Research and Practice, 3, 5119. Available at: http://epress.lib.uts.edu.au/journals/index.php/PMRP/article/view/5119/5644
Lannon, J; Halpin, E.F (2013) Responding To Cross-Border Child Trafficking In South Asia: An Analysis of the Feasibility of a Technologically Enabled Missing Child Alert System. UK: Plan International & Leeds Metropolitan University.
Conference papers
Emuaga, O. (2016) ‘Effects of Power Bases in Humanitarian Aid Coordination’, DSA Ireland Annual Conference 2016: Beyond Aid? Innovative Models for Social Justice, Dublin Ireland 24-25 November
Lannon, J., Walsh, J, Kennedy, L. (2016) ‘Knowledge Sharing in International Development NGOs and Partnerships’, DSA Ireland Annual Conference 2016: Beyond Aid? Innovative Models for Social Justice, Dublin Ireland 24-25 November
Work in Progress
Khene, C. Lannon, J. ‘Learning to be Sustainable in ICT for Development: A Citizen Engagement Initiative in South Africa’ (submitted to IRNOP conference)
Onyas, WI, McEachern, M, Ryan, A. ‘Co-constructing a bottom-up version of sustainability: Agencing coffee farmers in Uganda’ (targeting Journal of Rural Studies)
Funded Research
- Awarding body: Irish Research Council New Foundations Scheme 2015 - Research Title: Scoping Knowledge Management Practices in the Context of a Partnership Approach to Development
- Awarding body: British Academy of Management’s Transitions 1 Grants Scheme: 2015-2017
Research title: Knowledge Sharing and Learning in International Non-governmental Organisation Alliances. - Awarding body: Irish Research Council New Foundations Scheme 2016.
Research title: Emphasising the value of knowledge generated by local civil society in the South and strengthening the linkages and structures to share that knowledge for international development.
Email: business@ul.ie
Postal Address: Faculty Office, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.