Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Best of luck to the four KBS postgraduate students; Darshan Gala (MSc. in Computational Finance), Krishna Maheshwari (MSc. in Computational Finance), Advitya Ramdev (MSc. in Financial Services), and Robert Shannon (MSc. in Financial Services) who are representing the Irish region in the 2020 PRMIA Risk Management Challenge International Final on Monday 20 April 2020.   
Some Info: Fifty-eight teams representing a total of 219 students across the world competed in this year's Challenge. Nine PRMIA chapters hosted regional round events worldwide to narrow down the field to 12 finalist teams. We would like to recognize the tremendous dedication demonstrated by all of the teams and volunteers to persevere in this year's Challenge despite the disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic. This year's competition is fully virtual to ensure its continuity.
For further information on the event: https://prmia.org/Public/News/2020-News/PRMIA_Announces_2020_Risk_Management_Challenge_International_Finalists.aspx