KBS has been a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) since 2008, and indeed was the first Business School in Ireland to sign up to this initiative. PRME are six principles which act as a guiding framework for corporate responsibility and sustainability in business education, drawing on the values in the UN Global Compact.
While more than 500 Business Schools worldwide are committed to PRME, the KBS has now joined the “PRME Champions” cohort, limited to 30 Schools worldwide. PRME Champion institutions have made an ambitious commitment to work collaboratively to develop and promote activities that address shared barriers to making responsible management education a reality. Initially, the PRME Champions group will work to refine what leadership means in the space of responsible management education, identify criteria for recognition of progress, and lay out a roadmap for continuous improvement by all in the PRME community. The group also intends to engage PRME more actively with United Nations agencies, funds, and programmes, as well as the more than 7,000 participant companies of the UN Global Compact.
Mirroring the recent progress of Global Compact LEAD, a leadership platform of Global Compact participant companies, the PRME Champions group will work in four target areas for a two-year pilot phase. The KBS will be particularly active in the areas of research and curriculum development.
Email: business@ul.ie
Postal Address: Faculty Office, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.