Key Info

Bachelor of Science (Education) in Mathematics and Computer Science

NFQ Level 8 major Award Honours Bachelor Degree
CAO points history
Course code
4 Years
Subject area
Course Director
Jason Curran
+353 (0)61 233755

About you

If you are interested in Mathematics, Computer Science and understanding how these disciplines underpin modern technology, as well as having a flair for working with people, then this course might be for you. 

Did you know?

The School of Education at UL is one of the largest suppliers of teachers in Ireland. As a graduate of LM097, you will be amongst the first teachers qualified to teach Computer Science in Ireland.

Why study this programme?

UL's School of Education is the largest post-primary teacher education provider in the state and is ranked in the top 100 universities in the world for Education programmes. University of Limerick is also ranked within the top 75 universities in Europe for excellence in teaching and learning.

This degree, with a specialism in teaching Mathematics and Computer Science, is designed to produce graduates with the mathematical knowledge and skills to satisfy the needs of Irish Second-level schools in teaching the Maths curriculum. Graduates will also be qualified to teach the new Leaving Certificate Computer Science curriculum, as well as short courses in coding and digital literacy for junior cycle. 

The School of Education at UL is one of the largest suppliers of teachers in Ireland. As a graduate of this programme, you will be;

  • Equipped with the skills necessary to teach a brand new Leaving Cert subject;
  • Amongst the first teachers qualified to teach Computer Science in Ireland;
  • Highly skilled in IT and Mathematics should you choose not to teach;
  • Well placed to avail of many opportunities for further study in UL and elsewhere, stemming from the programme.

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What you will study

The course is four years in duration and offers streams in the following subject areas:

  • Education
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Computer Science

In relation to mathematics, you will study topics including Differential and Integral Calculus; Statistics and Probability; Algebra and Geometry, all of which is in line with Teaching Council requirements for mathematics teachers. For Computer Science, students on the course will study topics in Programming; Software Development; Web Development; Computer Graphics and Data Structures and Algorithms and will consider professional issues in the field of Computer Science. Education modules on the programme will help develop your understanding of how young people learn; contemporary issues in education; classroom practices; planning for learning; inclusive education and curriculum and policy issues. The course also includes two blocks of school placement where students will spend time in schools teaching both mathematics and computer science to all year groups.

Semester 1 

Semester 2 

Contemporary Understandings and Thinking on Education 

Professional digital competence for teaching   

Introduction to Module Driven 

Understanding Young People and How they Learn 

Introduction to Programming 

Software Development 

Algebra & Discrete Mathematics 1 

Algebra & Discrete Mathematics 2 

Calculus 1 

Calculus 2 


Semester 1 

Semester 2 

Planning for Learning 

Understanding Classroom Practices 

Subject Pedagogy  1 (Computer Science) 

School Placement 1 

Subject Pedagogy 1 (Mathematics) 


Object Oriented Development 


Database Systems 


Linear Algebra 


Semester 1 

Semester 2 

Curriculum and Assessment, Policy and Practice 

Diversity of Learners: Inclusion and Special  Educational Needs 

Diversity and Social Justice  in Education Sociological Perspectives 

Introduction to Web Development 

Software Testing and Inspection 

Data Structures and Algorithms 


Statistics for Computing 


Subject Pedagogy 2 (Computer Science) 


Subject Pedagogy 2 (Mathematics) 


Semester 1 

Semester 2 

School Placement 2 

Teacher as Professional 


Computer Graphics 


Best Practice Internationalisation 


Groups and Algebraic Structures 


Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations 


Entry requirements

CAO points history
Minimum grades

Applicants are required to hold at the time of enrolment the established Leaving Certificate (or an approved equivalent) with a minimum of six subjects which must include:

  • Two H5 (Higher level) grades and four O6 (Ordinary level) grades or four H7 (Higher level) grades.
  • Subjects must include Mathematics, Irish or another language, and English.
  • Applicants must hold a H4 grade in mathematics.
Additional considerations

Students admitted to the programme are required to undergo a Garda Vetting process.

We welcome applications from mature students. Mature applicants must apply through the Central Applications Office (CAO) by 1st February.

Application information for mature student applicants

Note: the University’s Special Mathematics Examination is applicable to this programme.

QQI Entry

Certain QQI Awards are acceptable in fulfilling admission requirements for this programme. Visit the UL Undergraduate Admissions QQI site for a full list of modules.

Non-EU Entry Requirements

How to apply

Where are you applying from? How to Apply
Ireland Irish students must apply to UL via the CAO. More information can be found here. 
The UK  Students who have completed their A-Levels can apply to UL via the CAO. More information can be found on the Academic Registry website. 
The EU EU Students can apply to UL via the CAO. More information can be found on the Academic Registry website.


Fees and funding

Student course fees are broken into three components - Student contribution, Student Levy and Tuition Fees.

A number of illustrative examples of fees for this course based on the current fee levels have been set out in the tables below.

An explanation of the components, how to determine status and the criteria involved is provided below the examples as is a list of possible scholarships and funding available.

EU Students with Free fees status in receipt of a SUSI grant

HEA pays Tuition Fees €4,262
SUSI pays Student contribution €3,000
Student pays Student Levy €102
Total €7,364

EU Students with Free fees status not in receipt of a grant

HEA pays Tuition Fees €4,262
Student pays Student contribution €3,000
Student pays Student Levy €102
Total €7,364

Students with EU fee status not in receipt of a grant

Student pays Tuition Fees €4,262
Student pays Student contribution €3,000
Student pays Student Levy €102
Total €7,364

Non-EU Students

Student pays Tuition Fees €20,900
Student pays Student Levy €102
Total €21,002

Student course fees are comprised of the following components:

Student Contribution

Annual charge set by the government for all full-time third level students. All students are liable unless they have been approved for a grant by Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI). Please refer to to determine your eligibility for a grant and for instructions on how to apply. The current student contribution is set at €3000.

Student Levy

All students are liable to pay the Student Levy of €102. Please note the Student Levy is not covered by the SUSI Grant.

Tuition Fees

These are based on Residency, Citizenship, Course requirements.

Review the three groups of criteria to determine your fee status as follows

  1. Residency
    • You must have been living in an EU/EEA member state or Switzerland for at least 3 of the 5 years before starting your course
  2. Citizenship
    • You must be a citizen of an EU/EEA member state or Switzerland or have official refugee status
  3. Course Requirements (all must be met)
    • You must be a first time full-time undergraduate (Exceptions are provided for students who hold a Level 6 or Level 7 qualification and are progressing to a Level 8 course in the same general area of study).
    • You must be undertaking a full-time undergraduate course of at least 2 years' duration
    • You cannot be undertaking a repeat year of study at the same level unless evidence of exceptional circumstances eg serious illness is provided (in which case this condition may be waived)

Depending on how you meet these criteria your status will be one of the following -

  • Free Fee Status: You satisfy all three categories (1, 2 and 3) and therefore are eligible for the Higher Education Authority’s Free Fees scheme.
  • EU Fee Status: You satisfy both the citizenship and residency criteria but fail to satisfy the course requirements and are liable to EU fees.
  • Non EU Fee Status: You do not meet either the citizenship or residency criteria and are therefore liable to Non EU fees.

More information about fees can be found on the Finance website


These scholarships are available for this course

Title Award Scholarships Available
Johnson and Johnson WiSTEM2D Programme

These scholarships are available for all courses

Your future career

Graduates will be eligible for appointment to all second-level schools (vocational, secondary, community and comprehensive). Graduates will be able to teach Mathematics, Computer Science and Coding. 

Follow-on study

Graduates have the opportunity to pursue further study in the disciplines of Mathematics, Computer Science, or Education. There are a number of taught Masters degrees in UL. In addition, graduates can register for higher degrees by research in either Mathematics Education or Computer Science Education that lead to Masters or PhD qualifications.