Key Info


NFQ Level 8 major Award Honours Bachelor Degree

Entry route(s):

4 Years
Subject area
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Course Director
School of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics (MLAL)
+353 (0)61 233755

French can be taken as part of the UL Arts Degree as a joint honours combination. Review the subjects you can study with French by looking at the table on the BA Arts course page.

About you

You have an existing basis in the French language and a curiosity to learn more about the socially diverse and culturally rich French-language world. You are interested in both language learning and in how the effective practice of a language depends on an understanding of the cultures and ideas of those who use it.

Uniquely, you wish to engage with other cultures and a specific international language: French. In doing so, you will experience social media, novels, poetry, non-fiction, ideas and systems of values and thought. You wish to tackle French and Francophone writings that have helped us to understand people and the world that we share.

Why study French at UL?

French is offered in the University of Limerick at advanced level, and our objective for students is the achievement of outstanding linguistic and cultural competence over the course of the degree programme. To this end, all French modules are taught through the medium of French, using a full range of appropriate resources and technologies. If you are open to new ideas and experiences, and enthusiastic about extending your own linguistic and intellectual boundaries, a degree with French can be a very rewarding choice.

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What you will study

You will study diverse topics and texts related to the French and Francophone world. The FR41 module suite, beginning in your first semester, integrates language study with the treatment of a range of subject areas including social media, cinema, politics, modern literature and thought, work and business, and translation. The FR46 module suite, starting in semester three for those who continue with French, focuses on a range of literary and cultural topics designed to deepen your experience and competence in the language.

Note: French is available at post leaving certificate level only. Students require a minimum H4 grade in French to study French.

French Joint Honours

Modules are subject to change.

Year 1Semester 1 Semester 2
FR4141French Language & Society 1FR4142French Language & Society 2
Year 2Semester 3 Semester 4
FR4143French Language & Society 3 Cooperative Education Work Placement
FR4623French Literature and Culture 3  
Year 3Semester 5 Semester 6
 Erasmus/Exchange placement with a partner institution abroadFR4146French Language & Society 4
  FR4626French Literature and Culture 4
Year 4Semester 7 Semester 8
FR4147French Language and Society 5FR4148French Language and Society 6
FR4627French Literature and Culture 5FR4628French Literature and Culture 6

How to apply


Where are you applying from?How to Apply
IrelandIrish students must apply to UL via the CAO
The UK Students who have completed their A-Levels can apply to UL via the CAO. More information can be found on the Academic Registry website. 
The EUEU Students can apply to UL via the CAO. More information can be found on the Academic Registry website.
Non-EU countryIf you are outside of the EU, you can apply for this subject through the Bachelor of Arts degree.

Fees and funding

Student course fees are broken into three components - Student contribution, Student Levy and Tuition Fees.

A number of illustrative examples of fees for this course based on the current fee levels have been set out in the tables below.

An explanation of the components, how to determine status and the criteria involved is provided below the examples as is a list of possible scholarships and funding available.

EU Students with Free fees status in receipt of a SUSI grant

HEA pays Tuition Fees €2,558
SUSI pays Student contribution €3,000
Student pays Student Levy €102
Total €5,660

EU Students with Free fees status not in receipt of a grant

HEA pays Tuition Fees €2,558
Student pays Student contribution €3,000
Student pays Student Levy €102
Total €5,660

Students with EU fee status not in receipt of a grant

Student pays Tuition Fees €2,558
Student pays Student contribution €3,000
Student pays Student Levy €102
Total €5,660

Non-EU Students

Student pays Tuition Fees €15,262
Student pays Student Levy €102
Total €15,364

Student course fees are comprised of the following components:

Student Contribution

Annual charge set by the government for all full-time third level students. All students are liable unless they have been approved for a grant by Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI). Please refer to to determine your eligibility for a grant and for instructions on how to apply. The current student contribution is set at €3000.

Student Levy

All students are liable to pay the Student Levy of €102. Please note the Student Levy is not covered by the SUSI Grant.

Tuition Fees

These are based on Residency, Citizenship, Course requirements.

Review the three groups of criteria to determine your fee status as follows

  1. Residency
    • You must have been living in an EU/EEA member state or Switzerland for at least 3 of the 5 years before starting your course
  2. Citizenship
    • You must be a citizen of an EU/EEA member state or Switzerland or have official refugee status
  3. Course Requirements (all must be met)
    • You must be a first time full-time undergraduate (Exceptions are provided for students who hold a Level 6 or Level 7 qualification and are progressing to a Level 8 course in the same general area of study).
    • You must be undertaking a full-time undergraduate course of at least 2 years' duration
    • You cannot be undertaking a repeat year of study at the same level unless evidence of exceptional circumstances eg serious illness is provided (in which case this condition may be waived)

Depending on how you meet these criteria your status will be one of the following -

  • Free Fee Status: You satisfy all three categories (1, 2 and 3) and therefore are eligible for the Higher Education Authority’s Free Fees scheme.
  • EU Fee Status: You satisfy both the citizenship and residency criteria but fail to satisfy the course requirements and are liable to EU fees.
  • Non EU Fee Status: You do not meet either the citizenship or residency criteria and are therefore liable to Non EU fees.

More information about fees can be found on the Finance website


These scholarships are available for all courses

Your future career

Careers open to you with a degree in French include;

  • International Business
  • European and Irish public service
  • Interpreting and Translating
  • Teaching (Professional Master of Education required)
  • Tourism
  • The media and information industry

Follow on study:

Careers open to you with a degree in French include;

Student profiles

" "

Annabel O’Donnell 

I am a student in the Bachelor of Arts and chose French and English as my subjects. UL interested me because of the semester abroad and the semester of Cooperative education (work placement). I felt that these would be very beneficial not only in an academic sense but also for gaining real-world experience, social skills and work ethic. For my Erasmus, I will be studying in Marseille.  

 I have always found languages intriguing and knew that I wanted to study them in some way. I appreciate how supportive, reassuring and helpful my lecturers and tutors are.  

In terms of how we learn on a week-to-week basis, we have lectures but also oral classes and grammar classes. I find it beneficial that the lectures are delivered in French entirely. We don't speak English at all in class which is great because it helps you to adapt more to the language.   

 In the future, I’m interested in pursuing either speech and language therapy or post-primary teaching in French and English. These have always been my two fundamental options. My advice for students would be just to enjoy it and do your best. Do not skip classes and put in the work. This is good advice in general but especially with languages.  I would definitely recommend French on the Bachelor of Arts as a subject to others, especially anyone who has a flair or a strong passion for languages.