A. Lüders, D. Carpentras and M. Quayle. "A Holistic View on Polarization: Attitudes, Emotions, and Partisanship as Elements of Social Identity Construction." Psyarxiv, Preprint.
D. Carpentras, A. Lüders and M. Quayle. "A Method for Exploring Attitude Systems by Combining Belief Network Analysis and Item Response Theory (ResIN)." Psyarxiv, Preprint.
D. Carpentras and M. Quayle, "The sensitivity of the Deffuant Model to measurement error," Psyarxiv, Preprint.
S. C. Fennell, J. P. Gleeson, M. Quayle, K. Durrheim, and K. Burke, “A modelling methodology for social interaction experiments,” Arxiv, Preprint.
M. Quayle, “A performative network theory of attitudes,” Psyarxiv, Preprint. doi:10.31234/
D. Carpentras, A. Dinkelberg, and M. Quayle, “A new degree of freedom for opinion dynamics models: the arbitrariness of scales,” Arxiv, Preprint.
P. MacCarron, P. J. Maher, and M. Quayle, “Identifying opinion-based groups from survey data: a bipartite network approach,” Arxiv, Preprint.
Carpentras, D., Lüders, A., & Quayle, M. (2022). Mapping the global opinion space to explain anti-vaccine attraction. Scientific Reports.
Dinkelberg, A., O’Sullivan, D.J.P., Quayle, M., & MacCarron, P (2021). Detecting opinion-based groups and polarization in survey- based attitude networks and estimating question relevance. Advances in Complex Systems, 24(02).
Dinkelberg, A., O'Reilly, C., MacCarron, P., Maher, P. J., & Quayle, M. (2021). Multidimensional polarization dynamics in US election data in the long term (2012–2020) and in the 2020 election cycle. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 00, 1– 28
S. C. Fennell, K. Burke, M. Quayle, and J. P. Gleeson, “A generalised mean-field approximation for the deffuant opinion dynamics model on networks,” Physical review e, 2021. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.103.012314
A. Nightingale, O. Muldoon, and M. Quayle, “The transnational patriot: celebrating cultural diversity between nation-states while promoting hostility toward diversity within nation-states,” European psychologist, 2021. doi:10.1027/1016-9040/a000416
A. Dinkelberg, P. MacCarron, P. J. Maher, and M. Quayle, “Homophily dynamics outweigh network topology in an extended axelrod’s cultural dissemination model,” Physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications, vol. 578, p. 126086, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2021.126086
P. Maher, P. MacCarron, and M. Quayle, “Mapping public health responses with attitude networks: the emergence of opinion-based groups in the UK’s early COVID-19 response phase,” British Journal of Social Psychology, 2020. doi:10.1111/bjso.12396
P. MacCarron, P. J. Maher, S. Fennell, K. Burke, J. P. Gleeson, K. Durrheim, and M. Quayle, “Agreement threshold on axelrod’s model of cultural dissemination,” PLOS ONE, vol. 15, iss. 6, p. e0233995, 2020. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0233995
Media & public engagement:
Moloney, E. (May 20, 2022). Allowing doubters to question vaccines ‘is key for building trust’.
“Limerick Today - UL Lecturer to Find out What Impact Social Media Really Has.” Live95FM, 10 August 2018,
RTE Radio 1, 2 December 2018, Brainstorm with Fionnuala Sweeney.
“#FAKENEWS: Can you trust the news you get off social media?” Live95FM, 29 November, 2019,
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