Jennifer Schweppe of the School of Law and co-Director of the International Network for Hate Studies (INHS), was presented with the Eva Lassman Take Action Against Hate Award by the Gonzaga Institute for Hate Studies at Gonzaga University, Washington on Friday 20th October. Jennifer accepted the award with her colleague Dr Mark Walters of the University of Sussex on behalf of the International Network for Hate Studies.
Initiated in 2009, the award is given by the Gonzaga Institute to an organization and an individual for contributions to better understanding and combating hate in its many manifestations. The award honours the life and memory of Holocaust survivor and educator Eva Lassman. The Gonzaga Institute was founded in 1997 and is described as an “enduring, and distinctive catalyst within academia toward greater knowledge of the human condition, the advancement of human dignity and human rights, and the hope of a just, inclusive public life.”