PhD researcher looking to interview interested participants who

  • are LGBTQI+ people in forced migration (international protection applicants, refugees, persons with subsidiary protection, temporary protection, permission to remain)
  • are 18 years or older; and
  • are comfortable communicating in English; and
  • have experienced hostility or hate incidents in Ireland

If you would like to participate in my research project, please email me directly at  

If you need more details about my research, you can read the information video or read the Information Sheet for participants. Feel free to email me directly with any questions. 

This research study has received Ethics approval from the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee (approval number 2024_06_01_AHSS) of the University of Limerick. 

Chairperson Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee 

AHSS Faculty Office 

University of Limerick 

Tel: +353 61 202286 


About this project: Supporting Victims of Hate and Hostility: Intersectionality in Victims’ Experiences of Hate Incidents

This research project is part of the NETHATE is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Innovative Training Network (ITN). The project is conducted by the European Centre for the Study of Hate at the University of Limerick, with Doras as a partner organisation. The project is funded by European Union. 

The objectives of this project are to: (1) Gain insight into victims’ experiences of hate incidents that manifest prejudices against two or more identity groups (2) Gain insight into the diversity of experience within a single identity group based on variation in manifestations of hate according to the membership’s other personal characteristics. (3) Examine the impact of intersectionality on victim’s experiences of support services and organisations.  

We will produce an empirical analysis of the manner in which the intersection of multiple identities impacts victims’ experiences of hate incidents, an empirical analysis of the manner in which the intersection of multiple identities impacts, and an analysis of the explanatory power of intersectional theory in understanding victims’ experiences of hate incidents. As part of the project, the ESR will work with Doras on secondment, where they will develop a bespoke and victim-oriented training package for support services and organisations interacting with victims of intersectional hate incidents. 

PhD Researcher: 

Milos Burzan,  


Prof Jennifer Schweppe, E-Mail:  

Prof. Amanda Haynes, E-mail: