Date: Thursday, 28 November 2024
Time: 12:30 - 1:30
Duration: 1 hr
Contact: Justyna Lis -
This seminar will take place in PESS, Room P1007​ and online.

Dr Kwok Ng​, University of Limerick​​

Presentation Title:​ Potential solutions to the challenges of adolescent self-report measures of PA to reflect monitoring of the 2020 WHO PA guidelines

Dr Enrique G. Bengoechea​, University of Limerick​

Presentation Title: ​Extending the criterion validity of the M1 self-report measure of physical activity: Association with quality of life indicators in middle-aged and older adults​

Dr Sven Messing​, University of Limerick​

Presentation Title: ​Creating a national inventory of physical activity promotion practice: Methodological learnings and challenges

Seminar Chair – Prof Catherine Woods, Director, Physical Activity for Health Research Centre​​