This multidisciplinary group of core members consisting of physiologists, sports scientists, physiotherapists and health, sports and exercise psychologists is ideally placed to meet global and local policy requirements in the area of physical activity for health.
Leadership team
Core members

Professor Catherine Woods
PAfH role: Centre Director
Research Interests: Policy Impact and Implementation of effective interventions, PA and Exercise as Medicine, PA Correlates and Determinants.
Professor Catherine Woods ResearchGate
Professor Catherine Woods ORCID

Associate Professor Roisin Cahalan
PAfH role: Centre member & Internationalisation lead
Research Interests: PA in respiratory disease and injury surveillance, screening and management in elite athletes and dancers.

Professor Brian Carson
PAfH role: Centre member & Internationalisation lead
Research Interests: Physical Activity Measurement and Surveillance, PA and Exercise as Medicine.

Professor Matthew Herring
PAfH role: Centre member & Research impact and excellence lead.
Research Interests: Physical Activity and Mental Health, Exercise as Medicine, Exercise Mechanisms.

Professor Elaine Murtagh
PAfH role: Centre member & Research impact and excellence lead
Research Interests: PA and Physical Education, Correlates and Determinants, Intervention Development.

Associate Professor Ross Higgins
PAfH role: Centre member & Capacity and collaboration lead
Research Interests: Sustainable transport

Professor Ciaran MacDonncha
PAfH role: Centre Member
Research Interests: PA Correlates and Determinants, Policy Impact and Implementation of effective interventions

Associate Professor Andrew O’Regan
PAfH role: Centre Member
Research interests: physical activity behavioural change for prevention and treatment of chronic health conditions. He has also published widely in medical education and chronic disease management in general practice.

Professor Alan Donnelly
PAfH role: Centre member
Research Interests: Sedentary Behaviour, Physical Activity Measurement, Physical Activity for Health (young people and adults)

Associate Professor James Green
PAfH role: Centre member
Research Interests: PA Behaviour Change, Cross-cultural PA determinants, Methods.

Assistant Professor Brendan O'Keeffe
PAfH role: Centre member
Research Interests: Pedagogy of health-related fitness, Scalable school based health promotion intervention, Monitoring health related fitness.

Associate Professor Sean Healy
PAfH role: Centre member
Research role: Adapted/inclusive physical activity and physical education , PA correlates and determinates, 24-hour movement paradigm.

Assistant Professor Grainne Hayes
PAfH role: Centre member
Research Interests: Physical Activity Measurement. The link between the different activity behaviours and health indices across the lifespan. The role of technology assisted PA in adolescents with Type 1 diabetes.