Date: Monday, 16 January 2023 - Tuesday, 17 January 2023

 We are delighted to present an excellent programme for our upcoming Winter School on “Physical Activity Policy and Intervention Evaluation”, which will take place in PESS on January 16 and 17 2023.

The school will provide a unique opportunity for early career researchers to meet with more established researchers, world-class leaders in their field, for the purpose of inspiring and empowering the next generation of research on policy and intervention implementation evaluation. We have a distinguished line up for our Winter School which include international speakers:

  • Prof Michael Pratt, University of San Diego and Palacky. (Fullbright Chair)
  • Prof Charlie Foster, Bristol University.
  • Dr Peter Gelius, FAU Germany.
  • Michael Serneels, European Commission, DG for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture.
  • Kremlin Wickramsinghe, WHO Europe. (Online)