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Thursday, 2 February 2023

The Physical Activity for Health Research Cluster had the pleasure of welcoming 24 early career researchers, as well as 5 international speakers to the Physical Education and Sport Sciences Department at the University of Limerick for its first winter school. This 2-day event, held on the 16th and 17th of January, offered a unique opportunity for early career researchers to meet with more established researchers, world-class leaders in their field, for the purpose of inspiring and empowering the next generation of research on policy and intervention implementation evaluation.

Keynotes from Prof Michael Pratt (Fulbright Distinguished Chair, Palacky University, Czech Republic), Dr Peter Gelius (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), Dr Joey Murphy (Bristol University), as well as presentation for PAfH core member (Prof Catherine Woods, Dr James Green) have offered an insight on actual research agenda on policy and intervention implementation.

In addition, the program included one to one consultation, presentation of tools and opportunities for applied practice. This event, highly appreciated by each participant, has equipped the new research generation with new knowledge and tools to develop their own career on how to shape a more active society.

A big thank you to all our keynote speakers, presenters, attendees (especially those who travelled from abroad) for making the event such a success!