Professor Andrew O’Regan
Thursday, 16 November 2023

Prestigious HSE Aspire Fellowship will be hosted by School of Medicine

Congratulations to Professor Andrew O’Regan who was awarded funding to host a fellowship in Exercise for Chronic Disease in General Practice. 

This is one of a small number of fellowships granted by the HSE in conjunction with postgraduate doctor training programmes. The purpose of these fellowships is to promote excellence in medicine in Ireland through enhancing skills and supervision.

About the ICGP

The Irish College of General Practitioners is the postgraduate training body (PGTB) responsible for postgraduate education, training and research in the specialty of General Practice. The College has a national advisory role in relation to medical standards and engages with the Medical Council, Department of Health and Children, the Health Service Executive and the Health Information & Quality Authority among others. As a membership organisation, the ICGP is responsible for providing and supporting the continuous professional development for general practitioners, numbering over 4,000. The ICGP is the PGTB accredited by the Medical Council to provide professional training for doctors wishing to enter the specialty of General Practice.

Job Purpose

One of the key actions of the WHO Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) is to promote physical activity for older adults (WHO, 2016), aiming for a 15% relative reduction in the global prevalence of physical inactivity among adults and adolescents by 2030.  This fellowship will provide an opportunity to develop a programme of research to improve physical activity promotion in general practice through qualitative and quantitative methods.

The fellowship has been advertised and the successful applicant will commence in July 2024 under the supervision of Andrew O’Regan. The fellow will spend 50% of the time in clinical practice and 50% in academic activity focused on exercise for chronic disease in general practice.

Please see an article from the Irish Medical Times on the fellowships:

Aspire Post CSCST Fellowships – 2024 Call for Proposals Announced by NDTP (