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Monday, 13 February 2023

Increasing active travel has several benefits: a reduction in CO2 emissions, especially if walking or cycling replaces car travel, and, of course, improved health.

It is not surprising that the Dutch, who cycle more than any other population, easily meet their physical activity guidelines. On average, both men and women walk or cycle for 24 and 28 minutes per day. This is 41% more, for men, and 55% more, for women, than the minimum requirement of 150 minutes per week (Fishman et al. 2015).

In this video, University of Limerick faculty member and core member of the Physical Activity for Health (PAFH) Research Centre, Ross Higgins, explains the need for transport research and how it can support our endeavours to reach our Climate Action Plan targets. As Chair of the Irish Transport Research Network (ITRN), which organises annual conferences, Ross highlights how, among other things, learning how to increase active travel, for all, is necessary to ultimately improve the environment and the health of the nation.

If your research involves transport, why not consider presenting at the Irish Transport Research Network annual conference.