Image of presentation to audience at ULMedX workshop
Thursday, 7 March 2024

The consultative workshop held at the University of Limerick on February 21st aimed to comprehensively understand the system providing structured exercise opportunities for individuals with chronic diseases in Limerick City and County. Introduced by Professor Catherine Woods and facilitated by Dr. Nick Cavill, the workshop delved into factors which influence attendance of exercise classes for chronic disease management from the perspectives of both participants and professionals. Attendees, including referrers, researchers, and physical activity providers totalled 40 individuals. They sought to identify barriers and facilitators in accessing and attending structured exercise classes within community-based settings. Jemima Cooper's presentation on GPs' utilization of physical activity for depression added valuable insights.


The workshop's overarching goal was to inform the development of pathways to direct those for those living with chronic diseases across the Mid-West, towards structured exercise to manage their condition. By examining the various aspects of the system, from referral processes to actual participation, the workshop aimed to plan a system-wide approach to promote exercise class uptake effectively. The outcomes and learnings from the workshop are intended to be shared with stakeholders, leading to positive changes in promoting exercise for disease management amongst individuals with chronic conditions.