The PEPAYS Ireland Research Centre has become known nationally and internationally for the quality of its research outputs and has been a destination of choice for more than 40 international scholars to visit and work with staff and post-graduate students. PEPAYS Ireland researchers have supervised to completion numerous postgraduate students at Masters and Doctoral level with a number supported by Irish research funding bodies. PEPAYS Ireland researchers publish frequently in high quality peer-reviewed journals. Research funding, beyond student scholarships, has been modest and has come from Irish sporting, health and educational agencies. PEPAYS Ireland has a programme of research with significant research outputs. The Centre hosted its largest event to date in 2011 with 350 delegates from 30 countries attending the first ever International Conference for Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP) in Ireland.

There are plans to ensure PEPAYS Ireland remains a relevant hub for active researchers across Ireland and aligned with several international research networks. PEPAYS Ireland seeks to expand its international research profile through professional and scholarly research outlets. PEPAYS Ireland hosts an annual research forum in June each year. PEPAYS Ireland currently has one designated research space within the Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences at the University of Limerick.

The PEPAYS Ireland Research Centre was established in January 2005 by Professor Mary O'Sullivan. Dr Deborah Tannehill took up the position of Co-Director of the Centre with Professor O’Sullivan in 2006. In 2014, Co-Directorship was transferred to Dr Ann MacPhail, University of Limerick and Dr Elaine Murtagh, Mary Immaculate College. Administrative support is provided by the PEPAYS Ireland PhD scholarship student, Ian Sherwin. The management of PEPAYS Ireland is overseen by an external advisory board.

Our Mission

To use high-quality, multi-disciplinary and multi-entity research to shape, influence and inform policy and practice relating to advancing the health and well-being of populations in the areas of physical education, sport, physical activity and health.

Core Values

PEPAYS-Ireland has identified values that underpin its activities:

  • works with key agencies to identify and address ideas, issues and challenges within the policy and practice arena that require evidence-based research.
  • advocates for multi-disciplinary and multi-entity high quality research that shapes, influences and informs policy and practice.
  • provides leadership and collegiality to those interested in advancing the health and well-being of populations in the areas of physical education, sport, physical activity and health


PEPAYS-Ireland has identified a strategic goal over the next four years;

To develop a critical mass of researchers actively contributing to multi-disciplinary and multi-entity research that impacts policy and practice related to health and well-being of populations in the areas of physical education, sport, physical activity and health.

In working towards achieving this goal PEPAYS-Ireland will;

  • foster reciprocal relationships with those responsible for developing policy in the areas of education, sport, physical activity and health
  • identify and prioritise ideas, issues and challenges related to policy and practice that require quality research programmes
  • promote collaboration across disciplines and institutions/agencies in determining quality research programmes that will influence policy and practice
  • ​​​​​​​maintain an active community of researchers interested in contributing to the physical education, sport, physical activity and health agenda

Co-Directors: Prof. Ann MacPhail & Dr. Brendan O'Keeffe 

Administrator: Anthony O'Leary