Flyer promoting UNESCO research opportunity
Monday, 10 March 2025

The Physical Education, Physical Activity and Youth Sport (PEPAYS) Ireland Research Centre, at the University of Limerick in Ireland, is delighted to offer the opportunity to undertake a one-year full-time Research Master’s aligned to the recently awarded UNESCO Chair in Physical Education and Sports Pedagogy for Sustainable Development.

Fees and stipend:

Candidates undertaking the Research Masters full-time will be enrolled at the University of Limerick and be eligible for a 1-year fee waiver and a bursary of €9,000.


Applicants are requested to apply comprising: (i) a CV – max 3 pages, and (ii) an application statement of no more than 600 words that outlines (1) familiarity and interest in physical education and/or sport pedagogy and/or sustainability, and (2) the skill set and interests of the applicant that align with the advertised opportunity.

Applications are to be sent to by Monday 7 April 2025 with online interviews to be conducted the week beginning Monday 14 April 2025. It is expected that the start date for the successful candidate will be June 2025.

For informal queries and further information please contact 

Further information can be found in the PDF file which can be downloaded above.