All of these trainings can be completed online by UL staff.

Instructions for accessing UL's online training programmes

Let's Talk About Race in the Higher Education Sector

This online training program for staff and students helps build the cultural awareness and skills needed to drive meaningful, long-term change within the university.

This specifically commissioned module complements the existing race awareness and education activities that we undertake in UL, including the work of our Ethnic Diversity Forum (EDF).  

Listen to some of the voices involved in the training programme.

Start Let's Talk About Race in the Higher Education Sector online training

Unconscious bias training

This training helps staff become more aware of unconscious bias and its effects on decision-making, recruitment, and daily interactions.

It covers the research behind unconscious bias and offers practical strategies to reduce its impact.

Start Unconscious Bias training

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion training

Programme Overview

Module 1 an introductory module, gives you a comprehensive overview of the importance and benefits of EDI and Human Rights, and the legal landscape in which Higher Education Institutions operate.

Module 2 covers Recruitment and Selection and is a very informative tool for any staff member involved in the selection process.

Module 3 looks at meeting the needs of diverse students and best practice tips on fostering equality in teaching and learning settings. 

Module 4 looks at putting policy into practice.

Start Equality, Diversity and Inclusion training

Intersectional Equality Training for UL Staff

In response to requests from colleagues and to enhance transparency of our policies within the UL community, the HR-EDI Office, with support from UL Global, hosted a workshop on Intersectional Equality for Staff on 9 December. 40 staff members from various departments and sectors attended the training.

  • The workshop covered the following key topics:
  • Conceptual and Legal Framework of Intersectional Equality
  • Impact of Intersectional Discrimination
  • Intersectional Battle Fatigue and Minority Stress
  • Using Intersectionality as a Lens (Case Study - Group Activities)
  • Practical Strategies to Address Inequalities

    The workshop, delivered by Dr. Niloufar Omidi, was well-received, with active participation from staff in diverse roles across the university.

Student Dignity and Respect Training Workshop for Students

In response to requests from colleagues and students and to enhance transparency of our policies within the UL community, the HR-EDI Office, with support from UL Global, hosted a workshop on Student Dignity and Respect for students on 17th of February. 45 members from various departments, sectors and students from University of Limerick attended the training.

The workshop covered the following key topics:

  • What is meant by respect, dignity, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and victimisation on campus.
  • How to recognise and report these issues [Real-life Case Studies]
  • How to support victims and become an active bystander.
  • The support services available to students.

The workshop, delivered by Dr. Niloufar Omidi, was well-received, with active participation from staff in diverse roles across the university.

Dignity and Respect training workshop for students