Dr. Niloufar Omidi is the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Policy and Project Development Officer at the University of Limerick. Formerly, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Galway, contributing to the Respect Project and Gender Pay Gap Project under the Office of the Vice President for EDI. Holding a Ph.D. in International Human Rights Law from the Irish Centre for Human Rights, School of Law, University of Galway, and an LLM in International Law, Niloufar specialises in the right to peace as a prerequisite for equitable, peaceful, and inclusive societies.

As a legal consultant with the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) Network, Niloufar has contributed to various research projects on child protection, civic space for civil society, xenophobia, and anti-Muslim hatred in Ireland. 

She has also contributed to different NGOs' evidence-based policy papers, professional reports and booklets covering asylum seekers' rights, the rights of the Travellers Community, the integration of resettled Syrian refugees, the rights of the Deaf society, access to justice for racialized groups, and racism in Ireland. Additionally, she has worked on research projects analysing minority rights in Iran.

Dr. Omidi was a lecturer in Human Rights Law for Advocates and Activists at the Huston School of Film & Digital Media, University of Galway. Additionally, she has served as a co-trainer for workshops on Race Equality Law and Intersectionality for HR professionals and higher education staff.