June 2019 was an eventful month with three workshops organised for Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences postgraduate researchers that focused on research skills necessary for postgraduate researchers and early career researchers.
The first of two workshops was given by Ashling Hayes, Head of Research Services in UL on 6th June, who outlined the importance of publishing to postgraduates and early career researchers. The workshop also showed researchers how to identify reputable journals in research areas and how to maximise the impact of their research.
The second workshop on Open Access and Open Science was held on 12 June. Ashling Hayes discussed how researchers have power over their research. The workshop outlined how students can make their research openly available while abiding by their publishers copyright policies.
An information session was organised on 13th June, where AHSS postgraduate researchers were invited to discuss and share software packages they were using during their research. Our ITD support, Brendan Bolger was in attendance and gave a comprehensive list of packages available for postgraduate researchers. He also was able to advise on ITD related issues.
Jess Beeley, our Social Media expert, demonstrated how to navigate through twitter as a social media platform and spoke about how these are useful to raise the profile of students and their areas of research. A good discussion took place between those who attended on packages they use and a sharing of best practices from their experiences. This workshop proved to be a supportive learning resource for attendees and all the information from this session and the workshops was made available on the AHSS Graduate Research Sharepoint.
Email: ahss@ul.ie
Phone: +353-61-202700
Postal Address: AHSS Faculty Office, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.