Welcome to the School of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics (MLAL)
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The School of MLAL is part of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Limerick. It engages in teaching and research across a wide range of subjects whose common concern is the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of a range of languages and their associated cultures. MLAL is committed to University of Limerick’s internationalisation strategy by enhancing and promoting our approaches to collaborative and multilingual teaching and research.
We seek to develop language graduates who are proficient language users, knowledgeable about world literatures and cultures, highly competent plurilingual communicators, interculturally aware and ethically responsible global citizens.
With our students, we aim to build a strong community which will:
Promote language learning and awareness across society
Shape language and (multi) cultural attitudes/policies
Contribute to the growth of a multilingual community
Collaborate in a team environment
Help strengthen local and global partnerships
Continue independent life-long language learning
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