We are pleased to invite you to the Authority, Power and Language Conference. Held over three days, it aims to advance our understanding about how authority and self-government relate to theories of linguistic justice.
This is an in-person event and the full programme is here: https://www.eventcreate.com/e/authority-power-language-limerick
Attendance is free, and you are welcome to join us for one day or more. Space is limited so registration is required: https://forms.gle/bqP1LkKSpSK8znGw5
Deadline: October 4.
The event is organized by the Centre for Peace, Development and Social Justice (Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Limerick) and the Linguistic Justice Society. This project has received funding from Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Limerick, and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 892537.
For further information, please contact Sergi.MoralesGalvez@ul.ie