Erika stands at a podium next to a presentation slide titled "Breaking borders: exploring collaborative learning beyond the L2 classroom""
Friday, 16 August 2024

On 18th July, Dr Erika Marcet (MLAL) presented her latest research paper in the 50th Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States (LACUS) Annual Conference.

The LACUS Conference was hosted by the University of Waterloo and St. Jerome’s University (Canada) on 17-19 July. Her presentation, entitled “Breaking Borders: Exploring Collaborative Learning beyond the L2 Classroom”, explored how language learning opportunities outside the formal Japanese language classroom can enhance learners’ affective, social and linguistic competences, which in turn contribute to foreign language enjoyment.

This research project is in collaboration with Paul Finn (University of Galway). The paper is based on the Lunchtime Game Club, a monthly games session for learners of Japanese at UL, organised by the Japanese Section and established in September 2023. Erika’s paper was awarded the LACUS Presidents Prize Fund for the best post-doctoral paper presented at the Annual Conference. The presentation was well-received among conference attendees and obtained positive feedback for its insightful content and engaging delivery.

This presentation was partly funded with the support from the AHSS Faculty Research Board.

LACUS Conference

Lunchtime Game Club