On Wednesday, 2 October 2024 as part of the Tower Seminar Series in the Irish World Academy Dr Sorcha de Brún, School of Irish, English and Communication and Dr Iarla Ó Lionaird presented talks on Language Song Ecologies, with Dr Aileen Dillane chairing the event.
Dr de Brún presented '“A pine deal board for our bed”: Ecology, Masculinities and Amhráin Ghrá na Gaeilge'. Based on her ongoing research on masculinities in Irish language literature, film and song, Dr de Brún's talk explored how amhráin ghrá na Gaeilge, or the Irish language love song, includes a significant number of songs involving sexual coercion as well as the more widely known songs of seduction. Using a close reading of a selection of the love songs, Dr de Brún's talk highlighted how ecology functions in songs of coercion to distract the object of desire from potential danger and how both songs of coercion and seduction frequently employ classical references that represent a hybrid form of masculinity (fireannachtaí).
Dr O Lionaird presented “Homegoing: Song writing Ecologies in Making Peace with Place”, and described where tribal belonging and identity in the poetry of Seán Ó Riordáin is given new voice within the framework and aesthetics of contemporary sean nós practice. Dr Ó Lionaird's talk also explored the central importance of place in Ó Riordáin's work and how this has impacted Dr Ó Lionaird's own creative practice as a sean-nós singer, composer and founding member of the renowned multi-award winning Irish/American supergroup, The Gloaming.
Attending the talks were members of staff, members of the wider Limerick community and undergraduate and postgraduate students from Léann na Gaeilge, the Irish World Academy and other Faculties in the University.
Email: ahss@ul.ie
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Postal Address: AHSS Faculty Office, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.