Our cutting-edge materials research institute unites experts from diverse fields, driving interdisciplinary collaboration in materials science. From pioneering breakthroughs in healthcare & Biomedical solutions, transforming the energy landscape to pioneering environmental solutions, we lead the way.

Explore limitless possibilities with the Bernal Institute


Your Gateway to Materials Research Excellence in: ​​


Cluster Research Groups

 In the areas of Health, Energy and the Environment. 

The Bernal Institute is host to Enterprise Ireland funded Technology Centres

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Ken Byrne at the DAFM Launch with Minister
25 Jul 2024

PeatFor Project secures €2.7 million grant, boosting Bernal member Professor Ken Byrne's groundbreaking peatland research

Ken’s research on carbon stocks and greenhouse gas exchange in forest and peatland ecosystems has earned him national and international acclaim.
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Two men and a woman in a lab standing in front of a glove box talking
09 Jul 2024

Bernal launch new facility "AMPEiRE" to revolutionize battery production

This infrastructure will enable the manufacture of prototype batteries from single cell and coin cell to pouch cell level, which is crucial infrastructure transforming battery research to battery fabrication while matching industry standards.
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Dr Valeria Nico, a researcher based at UL
04 Jul 2024

Powering IoT with good vibrations

Dr Valeria Nico discusses the importance of energy harvesting technologies for scientific advancement and a more sustainable planet.
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