The facility will see the Bernal Institute and the University provide industry-leading research on a global level
Bernal Institute has launched AMPEiRE, its National Rechargeable Battery Fabrication and Test Facility.
The centre which is based in the Bernal Institute will create materials for more sustainable energy efficient batteries.
Developments made at the facility will aim to create more energy-efficient and sustainable batteries for everything from consumer goods to implantable medical devices.
Researchers at the facility will look to partner with industry leaders to provide greener and more efficient. products and services going forward.
The Test Facility will be a one-stop shop for battery development
This infrastructure will enable the manufacture of prototype batteries from single cell and coin cell to pouch cell level, which is crucial infrastructure transforming battery research to battery fabrication while matching industry standards.
Speaking at the launch, Minister Patrick O’Donovan said: “Research and innovation have a vital role to play in tackling the sustainability problems facing the world today. There is an increasing demand for more powerful mobile devices and longer-range and faster-charging electric vehicles.
AMPEiRE is poised to deliver new battery prototypes to revolutionize battery manufacture across Europe.
Professor Kevin M Ryan, Director of Bernal Institute and lead investigator of AMPEiRE said: “This infrastructure is a game changer for battery research in Ireland providing a crucial link between novel research on new chemistries for higher performing batteries in UL and our collaborator institutions and the battery fabrication capability needed to demonstrate this at industry-relevant cell formats.
Co-funded by SFI (Science Foundation Ireland) and SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland), the facility will allow simultaneous research on conventional lithium-ion batteries and new frontier energy storage which will mean it can continue to its work on the latest technologies as they emerge.
It is hoped that the facility's ability to generate data will hugely accelerate battery development. It will address a significant gap in national resources and will give leading capability in battery research that is competitive at an international level.
Bernal researchers, Professor Kevin Ryan, Associate Professors Shalini Singh, Hugh Geaney and Tadhg Kennedy at the Institute are addressing the Energy global challenge and aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals for sustainable cities and communities, affordable and clean energy, climate action and responsible consumption and production. Society and Technologies demand for more powerful mobile devices with longer range and market need for convenience of faster charging for electric vehicles has placed lithium-ion battery research and development as one of the most critical challenges to be solved.
This new infrastructure will allow the existing National expertise in materials science to be brought to the next level by enabling battery prototyping at this scale. This will inherently foster a greater opportunity for collaboration with industries looking to access next-generation talent, research, technology, and capability.