Application of the principles of the circular economy to batteries and energy-related devices. Research into second-life applications for EV batteries and recycling is also a focus to ensure valuable and finite materials developed within the centre have the potential to circulate within the economy with minimal impact on the environment.

Circular economy approaches are critical for sustainable battery development, addressing the growing environmental and resource challenges posed by conventional linear production models. Research into second life applications for spent EV batteries is a key focus with studies addressing the financial complexities of deploying batteries with variable lifetimes by dynamically analyzing battery degradation across different second-life applications. By estimating battery lifetimes in cascaded uses and evaluating their contributions to energy and non-energy services, it provides a more comprehensive understanding of their economic viability in power systems. Estimating uncertainties in end-of-life battery stock estimation in Ireland by (i) modelling the electric vehicle market diffusion based on government policies and customers' preferences, and (ii) estimating electric vehicle lifetime based on a combination of current electric & conventional vehicles are also addressed. Research projects are also underway investigating the repurposing of end-of-life EV batteries for grid level storage and the recycling of defunct cells after second use with a full life cycle analysis.