
Dr. Darragh Flannery is an Associate Professor in economics at the University of Limerick. He completed his doctoral studies at the National University of Ireland, Galway on the Economics of Higher Education. Darragh's research focuses on using applied micro-econometric methods to examine policy issues in education, and more recently in health economics.

More specifically, he has conducted research in areas such as student loans, geographical and socioeconomic influences in higher education participation, student mental health services and the returns to education. He has published his work on these issues in journals such as Economics of Education Review, International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, Studies in Higher Education, Oxford Economic Papers, Empirical Economics, Manchester School and Applied Health Economics and Health Policy.

He is currently working on a number of different research projects in the education and health space including an examination of single-sex schooling and academic performance, the economic costs of the rare skin disease
Epidermolysis Bullosa and the impacts of international student mobility on labor market outcomes. The latter project forms part of EU COST Action CA20115; European Network on International Student Mobility.

He is programme director for the MSc in Economics and Policy Analysis and teaches undergraduate microeconomics and postgraduate modules in education economics and microeconomics. Darragh is also a member of the executive committee of the Irish Society for Women in Economics (ISWE), the Health Research Institute (HRI), the
European Expert Network on Economics of Education (EENEE) and also currently serves as an external reviewer for the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform's Spending Review steering group.

Research Interests

Economics of Education Strand:
Modeling the impact of student loans
The role of geography and socioeconomics in higher education participation
Class size effects in higher education
Single-sex schooling and academic performance
School social mix and academic outcomes
The impact of studying abroad on academic and labor market outcomes

Health Economics
Higher Education student mental health services
The economic and social costs of Epidermolysis Bullosa
Economic Evaluation in health settings

Professional Activities


  • 2011 National University of Ireland, Galway - PhD


  • Member, Irish Economic Asscioation
  • Member, Health Research Instituite
  • Executive committee member , Irish Society for Women in Economics

Research Collaborators

  • - Visiting Professor/Lecturer - Grenoble Ecole de Management -France
  • - Visiting Professor/Lecturer - EM Strasbourg Business School -France

Peer Reviewed Journals


The impact of frailty Screening of Older adults with muLtidisciplinary assessment of those At Risk during emergency hospital attendance on the quality, safety and cost-effectiveness of care (SOLAR): a randomised controlled trial

Leahy, A;McNamara, R;Reddin, C;Corey, G;Carroll, I;Team, S;O'Neill, A;Flannery, D;Devlin, C;Barry, L;MacCarthy, B;Cummins, N;Shanahan, E;Shchetkovsky, D;Ryan, D;O'Connor, M;Galvin, R (2021) The impact of frailty Screening of Older adults with muLtidisciplinary assessment of those At Risk during emergency hospital attendance on the quality, safety and cost-effectiveness of care (SOLAR): a randomised controlled trial. LONDON : BMC Trials


Book Chapters



Palcic D.;Flannery D. (2023) MAKING SENSE OF ECONOMIC DATA. London : Routledge How To Read Economic News: A Critical Approach To Economic Journalism :275-291


Student financing of higher education

Flannery D.;Doris A.;Chapman B. (2017) Student financing of higher education. Economic Insights on Higher Education Policy in Ireland: Evidence from a Public System :247-272


The returns to third level education

Flannery D.;O’Donoghue C. (2017) The returns to third level education. Economic Insights on Higher Education Policy in Ireland: Evidence from a Public System :221-245


Economics and higher education policy

Flannery D.;Cullinan J. (2017) Economics and higher education policy. Economic Insights on Higher Education Policy in Ireland: Evidence from a Public System :3-24

Edited Books

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Other Journals

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Conference Publications

Conference Contributions

Published Reports

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Book Reviews

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Other Publications

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