
Professor Elaine Murtagh is Course Director of the BSc Physical Education programme in the Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. Elaine was awarded a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Physical Education) and a PhD from Ulster University. She also holds a Specialist Diploma in Teaching, Learning & Scholarship from the University of Limerick.

Elaine joined UL in March 2020. Prior to this appointment she was a lecturer in Physical Education at Mary Immaculate College (MIC), Limerick from 2008. Elaine also held the post of Athena SWAN Project Director at MIC and led the College's successful application for a Bronze Institutional award.

Elaine is a Steering Committee member of HEPA Europe (WHO Europe network for the promotion of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity).

Research Interests

Professor Elaine Murtagh's research interests are in physical activity and physical education. Her work focuses on developing and evaluating programmes to enhance physical activity opportunities for children and adults. She also examines the effect of physical activity on health. Elaine has co-authored over 70 peer-reviewed journal articles to date.

Current projects include:

  • Learning in Motion: embedding gender-responsive, play-based pedagogies in teacher education in Palestine
  • Shared Responsibility Across a Shared Island (SRASI): Teaching social justice in initial teacher education
  • Supporting Our Lifelong Engagement: Mothers and Teens Exercising (SOLE MATES)
  • 24-hour movement behaviours and associations with metabolic health, parental and family support in children

Peer Reviewed Journals


A new curriculum model for second-level physical education: Y-PATH PE4Me

Belton, Sarahjane,O’Brien, Wesley,Murtagh, Elaine,Costa, Joao,Issartel, Johann,McGann, Jamie,Manninen, Mika (2022) A new curriculum model for second-level physical education: Y-PATH PE4Me. Curriculum Studies In Health And Physical Educationcurriculum Studies In Health And Physical Education :1-22


Effects of frequency, intensity, duration and volume of walking interventions on CVD risk factors: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis of randomised controlled trials among inactive healthy adults

Oja, P;Kelly, P;Murtagh, EM;Murphy, MH;Foster, C;Titze, S (2018) Effects of frequency, intensity, duration and volume of walking interventions on CVD risk factors: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis of randomised controlled trials among inactive healthy adults. LONDON : BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP British journal of sports medicine :769-


Self-rated walking pace and all-cause, cardiovascular disease and cancer mortality: individual participant pooled analysis of 50 225 walkers from 11 population British cohorts

Stamatakis, E;Kelly, P;Strain, T;Murtagh, EM;Ding, D;Murphy, MH (2018) Self-rated walking pace and all-cause, cardiovascular disease and cancer mortality: individual participant pooled analysis of 50 225 walkers from 11 population British cohorts. LONDON : BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP British journal of sports medicine :761-768


Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies in 128.9 million children, adolescents, and adults

Ezzati, M;Bentham, J;Di Cesare, M;Bilano, V;Bixby, H;Zhou, B;Stevens, GA;Riley, LM;Taddei, C;Hajifathalian, K;Lu, Y;Savin, S;Cowan, MJ;Paciore, CJ;Chirita-Emandi, A;Hayes, AJ;Katz, J;Kelishadi, R;Kengne, AP;Khang, YH;Laxmaiah, A;Li, YP;Ma, J;Miranda, JJ;Mostafa, A;Neovius, M;Padez, C;Rampal, L;Zhu, A;Bennet, JE;Danaei, G;Bhutta, ZA;Ezzati, M;Abarca-Gomez, L;Abdeen, ZA;Hamid, ZA;Abu-Rmeileh, NM;Acosta-Cazares, B;Acuin, C;Adams, RJ;Aekplakorn, W;Afsana, K;Aguilar-Salinas, CA;Agyemng, C;Ahmadvand, A;Ahrens, W;Ajlouni, K;Akhtaeva, N;Al-Hazzaa, HM;Al-Othman, AR;Al-Raddadi, R;AlBuhairan, F;AlDhukai, S;Ali, MM;Ali, O;Alkerwi, A;Alvarez-Pedrerol, M;Aly, E;Amarapurkar, DN;Amouyel, P;Amuzu, A;Andersen, LB;Anderssen, SA;Andrade, DS;Angquist, LH;Anjana, RM;Aounallah-Skhiri, H;Araujo, J;Arianse, I;Aris, T;Arlappa, N;Arveiler, D;Aryal, KK;Aspelund, T;Assah, FK;Assuncao, MCF;Aung, MS;Avdicova, M;Azevedo, A;Azizi, F;Babu, BV;Bahijri, S;Baker, JL;Balakrishna, N;Bamoshmoosh, M;Banach, M;Bandosz, P;Banegas, JR;Barbagallo, CM;Barcelo, A;Barkat, A;Barros, AJD;Barros, MVG;Bata, I;Batieha, AM;Batista, RL;Batyrbek, A;Baur, LA;Beaglehole, R;Ben Romdhane, H;Benedics, J;Benet, M;Bennet, JE;Bernabe, A;Bernotiene, G;Bettiol, H;Bhagyalaxmi, A;Bharadwaj, S;Bhargava, SK;Bhatti, Z;Bhutta, ZA;Bi, HS;Bi, YF;Biehl, A;Bikbov, M;Bista, B;Bjelica, DJ;Bjerregaard, P;Bjertnes, E;Bjness, MB;Bjorkelund, C;Blokstra, A;Bo, S;Bobak, M;Boddy, LM;Boehm, BO;Boeing, H;Boggia, JG;Boissonnet, CP;Bonaccio, M;Bongard, V;Bovet, P;Braeckevelt, L;Braeckman, L;Bragt, MCE;Brajkovich, I;Branca, F;Breckenkamp, J;Breda, J;Brenner, H;Brewster, LM;Brian, GR;Brinduse, L;Bruno, G;Bueno-de-Mesquita, HB;Bugge, A;Buoncristiano, M;Burazeri, G;Burns, C;de Leon, AC;Cacciottolo, J;Cai, H;Cama, T;Cameron, C;Camola, J;Can, G;Candido, APCC;Capanzana, M;Capuano, V;Cardoso, VC;Carlsson, AC;Carvalho, MJ;Casanueva, FF;Casas, JP;Caserta, CA;Chamukuttan, S;Chan, AW;Chan, Q;Chaturvedi, HK;Chaturvedi, N;Chen, CJ;Chen, FF;Chen, HS;Chen, SH;Chen, ZM;Cheng, CY;Chetrit, A;Chikova-Iscener, E;Chiolero, A;Chiou, ST;Chirlaque, MD;Cho, B;Cho, Y;Christensen, K;Christofaro, DG;Chudek, J;Cifkova, R;Cinteza, E;Claessens, F;Clays, E;Concin, H;Confortin, SC;Cooper, C;Cooper, R;Coppinger, TC;Costanzo, S;Cottel, D;Cowell, C;Craig, CL;Crujeiras, AB;Cucu, A;D'Arrigo, G;d'Orsi, E;Dallongeville, J;Damasceno, A;Damsgaard, CT;Danae, G;Dankner, R;Dantoft, TM;Dastgiri, S;Dauchet, L;Davletov, K;De Backer, G;De Bacquer, D;De Curtis, A;de Gaetano, G;De Henauw, S;de Oliveira, PD;De Ridder, K;De Smedt, D;Deepa, M;Deev, AD;Dehghan, A;Delisle, H;Delpeuch, F;Deschamps, V;Dhana, K;Di Castelnuovo, AF;Dias-da-Costa, JS;Diaz, A;Dika, Z;Djalalinia, S;Do, HTP;Dobson, AJ;Donati, MB;Donfrancesco, C;Donoso, SP;Doring, A;Dorobantu, M;Dorosty, AR;Doua, K;Drygas, W;Duan, JL;Duante, C;Duleva, V;Dulskiene, V;Dzerve, V;Dziankowska-Zaborszczyk, E;Egbagbe, EE;Eggertsen, R;Eiben, G;Ekelund, U;El Ati, J;Elliott, P;Engle-Stone, R;Erasmus, RT;Erem, C;Eriksen, L;Eriksson, JG;Escobedo, J;Evans, A;Faeh, D;Fall, CH;Sant'Angelo, VF;Farzadfar, F;Felix-Redondo, FJ;Ferguson, TS;Fernandes, RA;Fernandez-Berges, D;Ferrante, D;Ferrari, M;Ferreccio, C;Ferrieres, J;Finn, JD;Fischer, K;Flores, EM;Foger, B;Foo, LH;Forslund, AS;Forsner, M;Fouad, HM;Francis, DK;Franco, MD;Franco, OH;Frontera, G;Fuchs, FD;Fuch, SC;Fujita, Y;Furusawa, T;Gaciong, Z;Gafencu, M;Galeone, D;Galvano, F;Garcia-de-la-Hera, M;Gareta, D;Garnett, SP;Gaspoz, JM;Gasull, M;Gates, L;Geiger, H;Geleijnse, JM;Ghasemian, A;Giampaoli, S;Gianfagna, F;Gill, TK;Giovannelli, J;Giwerman, A;Godos, J;Gogen, S;Goldsmith, RA;Goltzman, D;Goncalves, H;Gonzalez-Leon, M;Gonzalez-Rivas, JP;Gonzalez-Gross, M;Gottrand, F;Graca, AP;Graff-Iversen, S;Grafnetter, D;Grajda, A;Grammatikopoulou, MG;Gregor, RD;Grodzicki, T;Grontved, A;Grosso, G;Gruden, G;Grujic, V;Gu, DF;Gualdi-Russo, E;Guallar-Castillon, P;Guan, OP;Gudmundsson, EF;Gudnason, V;Guerrero, R;Guessous, I;Guimaraes, AL;Gulliford, MC;Gunnlaugsdottir, J;Gunter, M;Guo (2017) Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies in 128.9 million children, adolescents, and adults. NEW YORK : ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC Lancet :2627-2642


Sedentary Behavior Research Network (SBRN) - Terminology Consensus Project process and outcome

Tremblay M.;Aubert S.;Barnes J.;Saunders T.;Carson V.;Latimer-Cheung A.;Chastin S.;Altenburg T.;Chinapaw M.;Aminian S.;Arundell L.;Hinkley T.;Hnatiuk J.;Atkin A.;Belanger K.;Chaput J.;Gunnell K.;Larouche R.;Manyanga T.;Gibbs B.;Bassett-Gunter R.;Biddle S.;Biswas A.;Chau J.;Colley R.;Coppinger T.;Craven C.;Cristi-Montero C.;de Assis Teles Santos D.;del Pozo Cruz B.;del Pozo-Cruz J.;Dempsey P.;do Carmo Santos Gonçalves R.;Ekelund U.;Ellingson L.;Ezeugwu V.;Fitzsimons C.;Florez-Pregonero A.;Friel C.;Fröberg A.;Giangregorio L.;Godin L.;Halloway S.;Husu P.;Kadir M.;Karagounis L.;Koster A.;Lakerveld J.;Lamb M.;LeBlanc A.;Lee E.;Lee P.;Lopes L.;Manns T.;Ginis K.;McVeigh J.;Meneguci J.;Moreira C.;Murtagh E.;Patterson F.;da Silva D.;Pesola A.;Peterson N.;Pettitt C.;Pilutti L.;Pereira S.;Poitras V.;Prince S.;Rathod A.;Rivière F.;Rosenkranz S.;Routhier F.;Santos R.;Smith B.;Theou O.;Tomasone J.;Tucker P.;Meyer R.;van der Ploeg H.;Villalobos T.;Viren T. (2017) Sedentary Behavior Research Network (SBRN) - Terminology Consensus Project process and outcome. The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity


A century of trends in adult human height

Bentham, J.;Di Cesare, M.;Stevens, G.A.;Zhou, B.;Bixby, H.;Cowan, M.;Fortunato, L.;Bennett, J.E.;Danaei, G.;Hajifathalian, K.;Lu, Y.;Riley, L.M.;Laxmaiah, A.;Kontis, V.;Paciorek, C.J.;Ezzati, M.;Abdeen, Z.A.;Hamid, Z.A.;Abu-Rmeileh, N.M.;Acosta-Cazares, B.;Adams, R.;Aekplakorn, W.;Aguilar-Salinas, C.A.;Agyemang, C.;Ahmadvand, A.;Ahrens, W.;Al-Hazzaa, H.M.;Al-Othman, A.R.;Raddadi, R.A.;Ali, M.M.;Alkerwi, A.;Alvarez-Pedrerol, M.;Aly, E.;Amouyel, P.;Amuzu, A.;Andersen, L.B.;Anderssen, S.A.;Anjana, R.M.;Aounallah-Skhiri, H.;Ariansen, I.;Aris, T.;Arlappa, N.;Arveiler, D.;Assah, F.K.;Avdicová, M.;Azizi, F.;Babu, B.V.;Bahijri, S.;Balakrishna, N.;Bandosz, P.;Banegas, J.R.;Barbagallo, C.M.;Barceló, A.;Barkat, A.;Barros, M.V.;Bata, I.;Batieha, A.M.;Batista, R.L.;Baur, L.A.;Beaglehole, R.;Romdhane, H.B.;Benet, M.;Bernabe-Ortiz, A.;Bernotiene, G.;Bettiol, H.;Bhagyalaxmi, A.;Bharadwaj, S.;Bhargava, S.K.;Bhatti, Z.;Bhutta, Z.A.;Bi, H.;Bi, Y.;Bjerregaard, P.;Bjertness, E.;Bjertness, M.B.;Björkelund, C.;Blokstra, A.;Bo, S.;Bobak, M.;Boddy, L.M.;Boehm, B.O.;Boeing, H.;Boissonnet, C.P.;Bongard, V.;Bovet, P.;Braeckman, L.;Bragt, M.C.E.;Brajkovich, I.;Branca, F.;Breckenkamp, J.;Brenner, H.;Brewster, L.M.;Brian, G.R.;Bruno, G.;Bueno-de-Mesquita, H.B.;Bugge, A.;Burns, C.;De León, A.C.;Cacciottolo, J.;Cama, T.;Cameron, C.;Camolas, J.;Can, G.;Cândido, A.P.C.;Capuano, V.;Cardoso, V.C.;Carlsson, A.C.;Carvalho, M.J.;Casanueva, F.F.;Casas, J.-P.;Caserta, C.A.;Chamukuttan, S.;Chan, A.W.;Chan, Q.;Chaturvedi, H.K.;Chaturvedi, N.;Chen, C.-J.;Chen, F.;Chen, H.;Chen, S.;Chen, Z.;Cheng, C.-Y.;Chetrit, A.;Chiolero, A.;Chiou, S.-T.;Chirita-Emandi, A.;Cho, B.;Cho, Y.;Christensen, K.;Chudek, J.;Cifkova, R.;Claessens, F.;Clays, E.;Concin, H.;Cooper, C.;Cooper, R.;Coppinger, T.C.;Costanzo, S.;Cottel, D.;Cowell, C.;Craig, C.L.;Crujeiras, A.B.;D’Arrigo, G.;d’Orsi, E.;Dallongeville, J.;Damasceno, A.;Damsgaard, C.T.;Dankner, R.;Dauchet, L.;De Backer, G.;De Bacquer, D.;de Gaetano, G.;De Henauw, S.;De Smedt, D.;Deepa, M.;Deev, A.D.;Dehghan, A.;Delisle, H.;Delpeuch, F.;Deschamps, V.;Dhana, K.;Di Castelnuovo, A.F.;Dias-da-Costa, J.S.;Diaz, A.;Djalalinia, S.;Do, H.T.P.;Dobson, A.J.;Donfrancesco, C.;Donoso, S.P.;Döring, A.;Doua, K.;Drygas, W.;Dzerve, V.;Egbagbe, E.E.;Eggertsen, R.;Ekelund, U.;El Ati, J.;Elliott, P.;Engle-Stone, R.;Erasmus, R.T.;Erem, C.;Eriksen, L.;Escobedo-de la Peña, J.;Evans, A.;Faeh, D.;Fall, C.H.;Farzadfar, F.;Felix-Redondo, F.J.;Ferguson, T.S.;Fernández-Bergés, D.;Ferrante, D.;Ferrari, M.;Ferreccio, C.;Ferrieres, J.;Finn, J.D.;Fischer, K.;Flores, E.M.;Föger, B.;Foo, L.H.;Forslund, A.-S.;Forsner, M.;Fortmann, S.P.;Fouad, H.M.;Francis, D.K.;Do Carmo Franco, M.;Franco, O.H.;Frontera, G.;Fuchs, F.D.;Fuchs, S.C.;Fujita, Y.;Furusawa, T.;Gaciong, Z.;Gafencu, M.;Gareta, D.;Garnett, S.P.;Gaspoz, J.-M.;Gasull, M.;Gates, L.;Geleijnse, J.M.;Ghasemian, A.;Giampaoli, S.;Gianfagna, F.;Giovannelli, J.;Giwercman, A.;Goldsmith, R.A.;Gonçalves, H.;Gross, M.G.;González Rivas, J.P.;Gorbea, M.B.;Gottrand, F.;Graff-Iversen, S.;Grafnetter, D.;Grajda, A.;Grammatikopoulou, M.G.;Gregor, R.D.;Grodzicki, T.;Grøntved, A.;Gruden, G.;Grujic, V.;Gu, D.;Gualdi-Russo, E.;Guan, O.P.;Gudnason, V.;Guerrero, R.;Guessous, I.;Guimaraes, A.L.;Gulliford, M.C.;Gunnlaugsdottir, J.;Gunter, M.;Guo, X.;Guo, Y.;Gupta, P.C.;Gureje, O.;Gurzkowska, B.;Gutierrez, L.;Gutzwiller, F.;Halkjær, J.;Hambleton, I.R.;Hardy, R.;Kumar, R.H.;Hata, J.;Hayes, A.J.;He, J.;Hendriks, M.E.;Cadena, L.H.;Herrala, S.;Heshmat, R.;Hihtaniemi, I.T.;Ho, S.Y.;Ho, S.C.;Hobbs, M.;Hofman, A.;Hormiga, C.M.;Horta, B.L.;Houti, L.;Howitt, C.;Htay, T.T.;Htet, A.S.;Htike, M.M.T.;Hu, Y.;Husseini, A.;Huu, C.N.;Huybrechts, I.;Hwalla, N.;Iacoviello, L.;Iannone, A.G.;Ibrahim, M.M.;Ikeda, N.;Arfan Ikram, M.;Irazola, V.E.;Islam, M.;Ivkovic, V.;Iwasaki, M.;Jackson, R.T.;Jacobs, J.M.;Jafar, T.;Jamil, K.M.;Jamrozik, K.;Janszky, I.;Jasienska, G.;Jelakovic, B.;Jiang, C.Q.;Joffres, M.;Johansson, M.; (2016) A century of trends in adult human height. eLife


An 8-week randomized controlled trial on the effects of brisk walking, and brisk walking with abdominal electrical muscle stimulation on anthropometric, body composition, and self-perception measures in sedentary adult women

Anderson A.;Murphy M.;Murtagh E.;Nevill A. (2006) An 8-week randomized controlled trial on the effects of brisk walking, and brisk walking with abdominal electrical muscle stimulation on anthropometric, body composition, and self-perception measures in sedentary adult women. Psychology Of Sport And Exercise :437-451


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