
Michaela is a graduate of the Bachelor of Technology (Education) in Materials and Architectural Technology programme from the University of Limerick.

Upon graduation she worked as a second level teacher of Design and Technology (Graphics, Resistant Materials and Product Design) in the UK before returning to Ireland where she began working with the School Placement Team within the School of Education at the University of Limerick. Specifically within her role she is currently focusing on research surrounding School Placement.

Michaela is also currently completing postgraduate research under the supervision of Dr. Ann-Marie Young and Dr. Ciarán Ó Gallchóir which is investigating team teaching as a medium of situated mentoring for student teachers on School Placement.

Research Interests

Her research interests are among the following;
  • Initial Teacher Education
  • School Placement
  • Mentorship within Teacher Education
  • Team Teaching
  • Continued Professional Development
  • Technology Education

Professional Activities


  • 2016 Department for Education - Teacher

Peer Reviewed Journals


Biochar from biomass and waste

Kwapinski W., Byrne C.M.P., Kryachko E., Wolfram P., Adley C., Leahy J.J., Novotny E.H., Hayes M.H.B. (2010) Biochar from biomass and waste. Waste And Biomass Valorization :177-189


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Book Chapters

Edited Books

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Other Journals

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Conference Publications


Bioresource Technology

Girisuta B.;Kalogiannis K.;Dussan K.;Leahy J.;Hayes M.;Stefanidis S.;Michailof C.;Lappas A. (2012) Bioresource Technology. Bioresource Technology :92-100



Melligan F., Leahy J.J., Hayes M.H.B., Kwapinski W. (2012) UBIOCHEM.


15th IHSS Conference, Tenerife

Kwapinski W., Wolfram P., Byrne C., Melligan F., Novotny E.H., Leahy J.J., Hayes M.H.B. (2010) 15th IHSS Conference, Tenerife.


Bioten conference

Kwapinski W., Melligan F., Byrne B., Wolfram P., Nowotny E., Haverty D., Leahy J.J., Hayes M.H.B. (2010) Bioten conference.


Bioten conference

Kwapinski W., Wnetrzak R., Melligan F., Leahy J.J., Hayes M.H.B. (2010) Bioten conference.


Agroforum, Ireland

Kryachko E., Piterina A., Kwapinski W., Adley C., Hayes M.H. (2009) Agroforum, Ireland.


Agroforum, Cork

Kryachko E., Piterina A., Kwapinski W., Adley C., Hayes M.H. (2009) Agroforum, Cork .


Proceedings of IEEE Sensors

Johnson, M.;Healy, M.;Van De Ven, P.;Hayes, M.J.;Nelson, J.;Newe, T.;Lewis, E.; (2009) Proceedings of IEEE Sensors. Proceedings Of Ieee Sensors


IRCSET Symposium

Melligan F., Kwapinski W., Leahy J.J., Hayes M.H. (2009) IRCSET Symposium.


Proceedings of IEEE Sensors

Johnson M., Healy M., Van De Ven P., Hayes M.J., Nelson J., Newe T., Lewis E. (2009) Proceedings of IEEE Sensors. :1439-1442



Halton M., Hayes M.J. and Iordanov P. (2005) IEEE CDC and ECC. :*-*


Caracterizacao do carbono pirogenico por ressonancia magnetica nuclear in Novotny, E.H., de Melo Benites, V and de Campos, D. Vilas Boas, eds., Resumios Expandidos VI Encontro Brasileiro de Substancia....

Novotny,.E.H. Hayes, M.H.B, de Azevedo, E.R., Bonagamba, Tito J., de M. Benites, V., Madari, Beata E. and Cunha, T.J. (2005) Caracterizacao do carbono pirogenico por ressonancia magnetica nuclear in Novotny, E.H., de Melo Benites, V and de Campos, D. Vilas Boas, eds., Resumios Expandidos VI Encontro Brasileiro de Substancia..... :*-*


Caracterizacao do carbono pirogenico por ressonancia magnetica nuclear in Novotny, E.H., de Melo Benites, V and de Campos, D. Vilas Boas, eds., Resumios Expandidos VI Encontro Brasileiro de Substancia....

Novotny,.E.H. Hayes, M.H.B, de Azevedo, E.R., Bonagamba, Tito J., de M. Benites, V., Madari, Beata E. and Cunha, T.J. (2005) Caracterizacao do carbono pirogenico por ressonancia magnetica nuclear in Novotny, E.H., de Melo Benites, V and de Campos, D. Vilas Boas, eds., Resumios Expandidos VI Encontro Brasileiro de Substancia..... :*-*

Conference Contributions

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Published Reports

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Book Reviews

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Other Publications