The Flexible Learning Centre is part of the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the University of Limerick and is an innovative connector of industry and academia addressing individual and corporate skills gaps through professional flexible learning.  The Faculty offer a range of taught postgraduate and distance learning programmes that will suit various entry levels, for those wishing to change careers or upskill in their current role

Earn professional certifications and academic qualifications whilst working

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2 women interacting and chatting at informal event indoors.
16 Jul 2024

Celebrating Women in Supply Chains Coffee Morning at UL

Date: 27th September 2024
Time: 10am
Venue: Reading Room, Glucksman Library, University of Limerick
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Image data projected on woman with text Lunch & Learn Information sessions for the Masters in Artificial Intelligence
26 Mar 2024

MSc in Artificial Intelligence Lunch & Learn Information Sessions

The S&E Flexible Learning Centre, University of LImerick and Technology Ireland ICT Skillnet invite you to join us for a series of informal information sessions about the MSc in Artificial Intelligence.
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