The Doctoral College documents listed below provide relevant and up to-date information for current postgraduate research students and staff on the administrative processes, tuition fees information, codes of practice and regulations.
In terms of the link below to the academic regulations and procedures, chapter 5 deals specifically with postgraduate research (PGR) regulations.
- Application, Admission & Enrolment for PGR Students
- Doctoral College Handbook: A Guide for PGR Students and Supervisors
- Discontinuing a Scholarship (Stipend) for a Research Student Process
- Guidelines: Submission of a Postgraduate Research Thesis
- Guidelines for the Appointment of External Examiners for Postgraduate Research (PGR) Degrees by Research & Thesis
- Guidelines on the use of Video Conferencing (VC) to undertake Viva Voce Examinations for Research Students
- Financial Aid Form for Postgraduate Research Students
- Handbook of Academic Regulations and Procedures (Linked to UL Policy Hub)
- Health and Safety Guidelines/Policies
- Key Principles for University-awarded Funded Scholarships: Postgraduate Research Students
- Postgraduate Research Students Taught Module Academic Progression Requirement Process
- Research Postgraduate Agreement
- Research Ethics - Application Forms and Information
- Research Review Panel- Code of Practice
- Research Confirmation Panel - Code of Practice
- Research Progression Appeal Panel - Code of Practice
- Student Charter
- Student Complaints Policy and Procedures
- Student Status Forms
- Submission and Examination of a Postgraduate Research Degree Thesis
- Tuition Fees Information
- Transfer from the Masters by Research Degree to PhD Register
- The Viva Voce (Oral) Examination: A Guide for UL Doctoral Students
- Viva Voce Examination - Code of Practice