I am fortunate enough to be able to call the University of Limerick my second home since I began my university journey in 2017. The choice to study at the University of Limerick was made with ease. The supportive environment created by lecturers, staff, and fellow students, coupled with the wonderful opportunities available at the university, captivated my attention from the beginning. Upon completion of my undergraduate degree, I knew that my journey at the University of Limerick was something that I was not ready to leave just yet. This encouraged me to pursue the MSc in Psychological Science in September 2022.
The foundations of my psychological knowledge and understanding were established in my undergraduate degree, where I was offered a wealth of information, perspectives, and insight. Driven by a love for learning, I knew that I both wanted and needed to continue to learn about psychology (what I have learned is that, in psychology, you will always be learning, no matter how far along you are in your journey). The MSc in Psychological Science satisfied this want and need. I was afforded the opportunity to learn more, experience more, and grow more. I have always felt inspired to pursue a career in psychology to help others, whether through clinical work or through undertaking important psychological research. The MSc offered me the opportunity to engage in both. Offering the selection of four pathways, clinical, research, community, or social psychology, the range of modules allowed each student to undertake both core elements of their stream and those of interest, offering a glimpse into different avenues and perspectives. Developing my understanding of clinical psychology was important; however, equally as important was the Major Research Project which provided me with invaluable experience in conducting research under the guidance of my supervisor in an area of psychology that I am passionate about.
Without a doubt, I know that the skills I have acquired will be important attributes throughout my psychology career. The group assignments, as daunting as they can be, provide valuable skills for working as a team member. Equally as important are the individual assignments that require you to work independently, with time management, critical thinking, and creativity, essential aspects required in the MSc and are important assets to any work environment.
For me, the highlight of the programme centres on the relationships fostered within the course. The MSc allows students and their peers to create a space where you encourage, support, and care for one another. Encountering any difficulties is always met with a listening ear and reassuring words. This encouragement and support are further exemplified in the relationships developed with the staff and lecturers in the Department of Psychology. They always create a safe space where, as a psychology student, I can attest to the encouragement of lecturers to always approach them should we encounter any difficulties or simply to have a discussion with them about their area of interest and research.
My advice to future students of the MSc in Psychological Science would be to embrace both the busyness and fun you will encounter. While it is undoubtedly a challenging year, there are moments in each day where fun and laughter can be had; coffee with a classmate serves as a well-needed break from studying or talking with a peer before class can serve to reassure you that you are on the right track. The MSc is a wonderful opportunity to continue your love for learning psychology. It offers the opportunity for every student to build upon their strengths and develop new skills that will continue to influence their personal and academic development. I am and will always be grateful for the incredible experiences that the MSc has offered me, from undertaking my studies to engaging in extra-curricular voluntary internships in the Department of Psychology.
Curious about the MSc Psychological Science?