Course Details

Course Code(s):
Course Start Date:
2 Years, Full-Time
Masters (MSc)
NFQ Level 9 Major Award
Faculty: Education and Health Sciences
Course Type: Taught
Fees: For Information on Fees, see section below.
Application Deadline:


Name: Associate Professor Alexandra Cremona

Express Interest

Register your interest here for more information or to be notified when applications are open.

Brief Description

The MSc Human Nutrition and Dietetics programme offered at University of Limerick (UL) is a Graduate Entry Masters of Science programme delivered over two years full-time. This innovative evidence-based interfaculty programme is an opportunity for honours graduates to pursue studies that will lead to them becoming competent nutritionists and dietitians working across a diverse range of environments to include the clinical, community and public health settings, hospital and private practices, food service management and food industry.

The CORU Dietitians Registration Board has approved the MSc Human Nutrition and Dietetics programme leading to the qualification title Masters of Science Human Nutrition and Dietetics.

The MSc Human Nutrition and Dietetics programme offered at University of Limerick (UL) is a Graduate Entry Masters of Science programme delivered over two years full-time. This innovative evidence-based interfaculty programme is an opportunity for honours graduates to pursue studies that will lead to them becoming competent nutritionists and dietitians working in a variety of settings. Broadly, graduates of the programme will build on a prior knowledge base of physiology and biochemistry and apply it to the role of food and nutrition in health and disease. 

Students will undertake modules in the School of Allied Health (Faculty of Education and Health Sciences) and in the Department of Biological Sciences (Faculty of Science and Engineering). Students will undertake shared modules with other healthcare disciplines in the School of Allied Health through an interprofessional education model, thereby being exposed from the outset to an integrated multidisciplinary team approach to healthcare.  

In addition to academic modules at UL, students on the MSc Human Nutrition and Dietetics programme will complete 1000 hours of clinical, community and role-emerging placement over two years which includes a summer study period. Clinical placement modules will take place in a range of settings (tertiary and secondary hospitals, primary care, public health and food service establishments) and with patients of all ages. Placements may be based outside of Limerick. 

Programme Aims

The MSc in Nutrition and Dietetics aims to develop graduates who are able to:

  • Establish therapeutic relationships with diverse populations through optimising the nutrition of communities and individuals, in a range of settings.
  • Critique and apply evidence to patient assessment, diagnosis and nutritional management
  • Be competent in the prescription, delivery and monitoring of nutrition and dietetic interventions, based on an evidence-based and clinically-reasoned approach for the effective management of people with a range of conditions.
  • Employ the principles of client centred practice.
  • Collaborate with clients, colleagues and communities.
  • Engage in continuing professional development.
  • Use an innovative and creative approach to meet evolving service developments and healthcare needs.
  • Conduct research and appraise the scientific literature to inform an evidence-based approach to research and practice.
  • Integrate the ethical, social and cultural dimensions of healthcare within clinical judgement.

Programme Learning Outcomes:

  • Demonstrate mastery in the application of specialist knowledge in line with the required dietetic standards of proficiency as set out by the Dietitians Registration Board of CORU.
  • Understand the associations between nutrition, health and disease to enable the integration and application to the practice of dietetics.
  • Use an evidence-based framework to provide practical and holistic solutions to a range of changing and complex nutrition and dietetic issues in a range of settings.
  • Apply critical thinking in the dietetic assessment and management of individuals, groups and communities.
  • Exercise professional and ethical dietetic practice for individuals, groups and communities from diverse social and cultural backgrounds and in different environments.

University of Limerick believes in the principles of social justice and aims to ensure that all applicants, students and staff are treated fairly and with dignity and respect in line with institutional policies.

 Year 1  
Semester 1 - AutumnSemester 2 - SpringSemester 3 - Summer
  • CT6071 Nutrition Communication and Education
  • PR6031 Preparation for Practice Education
  • CT6051 Food and Nutrition throughout life
  • CT6061 Dietetic Assessment and Practice
  • FT 6001 Food Science & Food Skills
  • CT6062 Food Service Theory and Practice
  • ES6002 Research Methods for Education and Health Sciences
  • CT6072 Medical Nutrition Therapy
  • FT6002 Nutritional Epidemiology and Translational Research Methods
  • CT6082 Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics A
  • CT6003 Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics B
  • CT6013 Clinical Placement 1
  • CT6023 Research Project 1
Year 2  
Semester 4 - AutumnSemester 5 - Spring 
  • CT6041 Research Project 2
  • CT6053 Public Health & Community Nutrition
  • CT6033 Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics C
  • CT6043 Community Placement
  • CT6042 Innovation in Management for Health & Social Care
  • CT6032 Research Project 3
  • CT6052 Engaging through Complexity (PPP2)
  • CT6004 Clinical Placement 2

Minimum of a second class honours (2:2) primary degree (Level 8 National Qualifications Authority of Ireland) or a postgraduate degree (Level 9 National Qualifications Authority of Ireland). Applicants must have successfully completed units/modules in Biochemistry and Human Physiology (NFQ level 8 or higher) as part of the primary or postgraduate degree or other relevant degree from a recognised University. Applicants must demonstrate in their application where these prerequisite subjects have been met (i.e. in what modules and how many credits). Candidates may apply to this programme in the final semester of an undergraduate programme and must produce evidence that all requirements for postgraduate study are met by the end of June in the year that the programme commences.

Applicants must also satisfy the English Language Requirements* of the University. The University reserves the right to shortlist and interview applicants as deemed necessary.  Successful completion of the Garda clearance process, Health Screening & Vaccinations Certification, Manual Handling and CPR certification are programme requirements for this degree programme. Health Screening/Vaccination Certificates will incur costs to the student.


On practice education placement you will be considered a category A Health Care worker and must therefore fulfil vaccination requirements. Successful completion of the health screening,vaccinations certification and CPR certification are programmerequirementsforthisdegree.Health screening/vaccination certificates and the purchase of uniforms for placements will incur costs to the student. 

What to include with your application:

  • Applicants must clearly state where the prerequisite subjects of Biochemistry and Human Physiology have been met (i.e. in what modules and how many credits) at (NFQ level 8 or higher) as part of the primary or postgraduate degree or other relevant degree from a recognised University. For Application pre-requisite form click here
  • Qualification transcripts and certificates (to include transcripts of the prerequisite units biochemistry and human physiology)
  • An up to date Curriculum Vitae
  • One page personal statement
  • 2 references (one academic and one employment related)
  • A copy of your birth certificate
  • If your qualifications have been obtained in a country where English is an official language this will suffice
  • If this is not available, the following additional documents must be provided:
  • English translation of your qualification(s)/transcripts AND
  • English language competency certificate*
  • Please click here for Further Information on English Language Requirements

Guidelines on Completing your Application

  • To ensure a speedy assessment of your application, please upload the above documents with your application form – your application cannot be assessed until relevant documentation is uploaded
  • Please title appropriately any documents you are uploading with the application form, for example "Supporting Statement", "Undergraduate Transcript", "Postgraduate Transcript", "English Language Certificate" etc.

International students can find more information on eligibility requirements here. 

*In addition, applicants coming from countries where English is not the national language, or where the applicant’s first degree has not been attained at an institution that teaches through English, must submit proof of English language competence. Due to the accelerated nature and CORU requirements of this degree programme, it has a higher English language requirement than the University generally demands, i.e. an IELTS overall score of 7 with no less than 6.5 in any component.

Due to limited places, applicants will be shortlisted according to academic merit, CV and Referee reports, prior experience and recent postgraduate studies where relevant. Applicants may be interviewed.

EU - €13,700 per annum*

Non- EU - €25,400 per annum*

*Please note year 2 fees are subject to change

Once registered, students can apply to pay their fees in instalments. A request for a payment plan should be emailed to

Further information on fees and payment of fees is available from the Student Fees Office website. All fee related queries should be directed to the Student Fees Office (Phone: +353 61 213 007 or email

Graduates will be eligible to practice in Ireland and eligible for registration in other parts of the World. Graduates will be able to work across a diverse range of environments to include the clinical and public health settings, hospital and private practices, food service management and food industry.  Graduates may be eligible to progress to further postgraduate research, leading to potential career options in research institutions and academia.


Sean O’Connell – graduate of the MSc Human Nutrition and Dietetics programme 2020
I chose to study MSc Human Nutrition and Dietetics because of my interest in nutrition and the desire to work with people. I’m a Community Dietitian working in community hospitals.
I completed my undergrad at UL and I was keen to further my studies there. It’s a fantastic campus with lots of hands on learning opportunities. 

The amount of placement we had really helped to set us up for the work environment. Tutors/lectures/course director were always very accessible and ready to help. This course felt much more personal than the previous courses I did.
It was a very practical course. Our lectures and tutorials and multidisciplinary modules set us up very well for placements and our placements set us up very well for work. I got to experience a lot of different aspects of dietetics on placements. There was always someone available to help while on placement if something wasn’t going how I expected to. Food Service placement really helped us to get an insight into the hospital catering systems. 

We had opportunities to experience community and acute placements as well as food service. Experience of multidisciplinary team (MDT) meetings which has been very important because of my current role in winter planning in Cork Community Dietetic services which is all MDT based.

If you have an interest in dietetics, definitely look into the course at UL and look up the modules and course outline. See if it’s something that interests you and, most importantly don’t be discouraged in pursing it as a career, the course equips you so well for the working world and really gives you the skills needed to leave feeling confident.