Course Details

Course Code(s):
2 - 4 Years
Faculty: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Course Type: Research
Fees: For Information on Fees, see section below.


Name: Dr. Christina Morin
Address: School of English, Irish, and Communication Email: Telephone: +353 (0)61 234111

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Brief Description

The Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences is an excellent choice for postgraduate students whose talents and interests lie in subjects such as history; sociology; politics; law; music and languages (English, Irish, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, TESOL). The Faculty offers particular research strengths in the following areas: Criminal Justice; Applied Language Studies; European Studies; Irish German Studies; Peace and Development Studies; International and Commercial Law; International Politics; Social Policy; Gender Studies; Utopian Studies; and Literary or Cultural Studies. Students can choose to do a research degree at Master of Arts/LLM or PhD level in any of these subjects or areas.

  • If you enjoyed researching and writing your final year project / graduate thesis or your MA dissertation, then you might enjoy carrying out a more in-depth piece of research at MA (by research) or PhD level.
  • FAHSS research students are part of a lively community; every student has his/her own research space with individual PC and desk;
  • Funding is available to research students annually to take part in international conferences and carry out fieldwork/archival visits in Ireland and overseas;
  • Research degrees develop a wide range of skills which are valued by employers (for example, excellent communication skills (written and oral), and critical/analytical skills);
  • Our PhD and MA graduates are employed in a wide range of sectors: education, media and publishing, research and consultancy, civil and public service, business, non-governmental sector, creative arts and media, and politics and local government.

In addition to carrying out research, students enrolled on an MA by Research/PhD take part in generic/transferrable skills training, including, for example, research methodologies and statistics, interview skills and career planning, bibliographical management, academic writing and research networking.

MA by Research:

  • A Master’s degree by thesis involves in-depth research on a topic leading to a thesis of 60,000 words over the course of one to two years.

MA by Research/PhD:

  • Students may start an MA research thesis, but then apply to transfer to a PhD after their first year if research is expanding; or students may register for a PhD thesis directly.


  • This involves in-depth research on a topic and an original contribution to knowledge, leading to a thesis of 100,000 words, examined by a viva voce exam. The PhD thesis generally takes 4 years to complete.
  1. Applicants will normally be expected to hold an Honours degree (minimum 2.1) or equivalent in a discipline appropriate to their area of proposed research.
  2. Entry points may differ for applicants with postgraduate qualifications. Please contact the Course Director for further information.

Fees for all postgraduate programmes are revised on an annual basis.  Detailed information on fee schedules and fee regulations is available on the Fees Office website. 

Payment by instalment is facilitated by the Fees Office. 

Please contact the Fees Office directly at for details.