Course Details

Course Code(s):
Course Start Date:
September / January
1 Year Full-Time / 2 Years Part-Time
Masters (MSc)
NFQ Level 9 Major Award
Faculty: Education and Health Sciences
Course Type: Taught, Professional/Flexible
Fees: For Information on Fees, see section below.


Name: Sarah Dillon

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Brief Description

Please note that this program is not available to students who require a study visa for Ireland.

This taught Master of Science programme is designed to extend and enhance allied health professionals clinical and academic capability by providing core and elective modules that are relevant to their practice. The programme can be taken on a part-time or full-time basis. The various modules are delivered using a mix of classroom based and distance learning approaches, supported by e-learning systems and individual tutorials and mentorship.

(M) Microcreds available:

Modules listed within the Programme Content with an (M) beside them are MicroCreds and can be taken independently.

The MSc in Advanced Healthcare Practice is designed to enhance graduates’ critical thinking and develop evidence-based practitioners as future leaders of effective services. Graduates will obtain in-depth knowledge of an area of Health Sciences to apply to their professional practice. From this MSc, graduates will be able to describe and appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of the current range of theory and research. They will reflect critically on their own and others’ learning styles and practice.

Students can register on a fulltime or part-time basis. Students must complete 6 - 8 taught modules, to include two core modules (Evidence Based Practice and Research Methods) and 4-6 elective modules from the modules available, with a research thesis. The full-time option can be completed over three academic semesters. In the flexible part-time option, students may pace the programme in light of their current workload and register for one, two or three modules per semester, with a maximum period of registration of three years. This flexible approach takes into account the educational, professional, clinical and financial demands of the student, the employer and clinical service. Students may also enter this MSc as a graduate of the Post Graduate Certificate in Advanced Clinical Practice, with the option to carry over credits accrued on that programme, at the discretion of the programme team.

Depending on the module, the academic work may include classes, seminars, self-directed learning and/or e-learning, both on and off campus. Although online modules are available, please confirm this with the module leader/course director before registering. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they can attend all relevant module components.  

Programme Aims: 

On successful completion of the programme, graduates will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of an area of Health Sciences and its application to the students' professional practice.
  • Describe and appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of the current range of theoretical and research underpinning that area.
  • Reflect critically on their own learning style and practice and others' research and clinical practice.
  • Explain their clinical role and contribution in relation to the concept of health and well-being.
  • Evaluate their own learning needs and be able to structure appropriate self-directed learning to meet these needs.
  • Conceptualise healthcare & social care issues from alternative theoretical perspectives and synthesise, develop and communicate creative solutions to address issues relating to healthcare provision.



Students will complete 90 credits during the course of the part-time or full-time programme. Students will complete two taught core modules, PY5021 Evidence Based Practice [12 ECTS] and CT5031 Research Methods [12 ECTS]). Students choose 4-6 other elective modules (depending on ECTS and learning goals) as well as being supported in completing a research project, relevant to their practice. All modules are listed in the table below, including the semesters in which the modules run. Depending on the module, the academic work may include classes, seminars, self-directed learning and/or e-learning, both on and off campus. Please note that module availability is subject to change.

Also on offer among the suite of electives are Independent Learning Modules, which afford students the opportunity to identify a specific practice issue and/or academic skill they would like to address and develop a piece of work related to this topic, under the guidance of a supervisor

Full-time programme structure

  • Applicants register in September and complete 2 taught semesters.
  • The thesis component is completed in the summer semester.
  • Students must take 2 core modules (CT5031 and PY5021), 4-6 elective modules and complete a research dissertation.  
  • The research project is completed in Semester 3 (summer semester).

Part-time programme structure

  • Applicants register in September and choose 1, 2, or 3 modules in Semesters 1 and 2 with completion of modules totalling 90 ECTS by the end of the maximum period of registration.
  • Students must take 2 core modules (PY5021 and CT5031), elective modules and complete a research dissertation totalling 90 ECTS. 
  • The core module CT5031 Research Methods must be undertaken before dissertation modules CT6001 and CT6002.

 Programme Structure

PY5021Evidence-base practice (O)12 ECTS
PY5022Independent Learning Module (O)9 ECTS
OT5001Independent Learning Module (O)9 ECTS
NS6034Principles of Primary & Community Care (M)9 ECTS
NS6035Leading and Managing Practice (M)9 ECTS
PS6071Social Influence and Attitude Change (O)6 ECTS
MN6041Project Management in Practice (O)6 ECTS
AU5033Leadership, Change and Innovation Management (O)+6 ECTS
AU5041Lean Thinking/Lean Tools 1 (O)6 ECTS
SS6161Applied Positive Psychology 9 ECTS
BM6001Learning & Teaching in Health Professions Education (O) *12 ECTS

  *limited places, enrolment in this module is not guaranteed. Online, with one mandatory face to face teaching day

+ places on this module are limited to 10 students per semester

CT5031Research Methods for Health (O)12 ECTS
CT6052Engaging through Complexity6 ECTS
NS6038Promoting Quality and Safety in Healthcare12 ECTS
NS6040Intercultural Care (M)9 ECTS
PY5022Independent Learning Module (O)9 ECTS
OT5001Independent Learning Module (O)9 ECTS
PS6042Qualitative Research Methods in Psychology6 ECTS
MN6041Project Management in Practice (O)6 ECTS
CT6102Applied Behaviour Change (O)9 ECTS

Dissertation (available Autumn, Spring, Summer) 

note: these modules are only available during the summer for certain programme structures

CT6001Dissertation15 ECTS
CT6002Dissertation15 ECTS

Please Note: modules are subject to change.

(M) A MicroCred is a single module within a larger further award (eg. Certificate, Diploma, Masters). By taking a micro-credential you may be eligible to apply for a credit exemption should you progress to study for a further award.

(O) Online module- this module has previously been delivered online, Please confirm with module leader/course director.


  1. Students may be awarded exemptions for 30 ECTS of the MSc if moving from the Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Clinical Practice, subject to Student Status Committee approval. Please note that students granted exemptions from modules cannot then complete these modules again as part of the MSc in Advanced Healthcare Practice. Students wishing to apply for exemptions should follow the process outlined in the module handbook.
  2. Exemptions from modules not on the MSc in Advanced Healthcare Practice Programme are subject to approval from the programme team, in addition to requiring Student Status Committee approval.  
  3. Recency of modules: Exemptions will only be granted from modules completed in the past 8 years.

For further information on specific modules, please search by module code in  book of modules.

Who can apply
Healthcare clinicians with a professionally and academically accredited BSc (Hons) (level 8 National Qualifications Authority of Ireland recognised ) or equivalent in a health profession* at a minimum award of 2.2 hons level or above. Applicants with an award of below 2.2 will be considered at the discretion of the Course Director. Candidates may be interviewed as part of the admissions process.

*Health Profession: Doctors, Nurses, Health and Social Care Professionals. Health and Social Care Professionals encompasses the list of professions regulated under the Health and Social Care Professions Act (2005) Ireland. These are clinical biochemist; dietician; medical scientist; occupational therapist; orthoptist; physiotherapist; podiatrist; psychologist; radiographer; social care worker; social worker; speech and language therapist.

What to Include with your Application

  • Qualification transcripts and certificates
  • A copy of your birth certificate/passport 
  • Applicants are requested to submit a short research proposal for their MSc dissertation to ensure availability of supervisors relevant to their discipline. This Research Proposal Form should contain a brief overview of the project which can later be finalised with your MSc Supervisor. Please use the template provided.
  • If your qualifications have been obtained in a country where English is an official language this will suffice
  • If this is not available, the following additional documents must be provided:
  • English translation of your qualification(s)/transcripts AND
  • English language competency certificate
  • Please click here for Further Information on English Language Requirements

Guidelines on Completing your Application

  • To ensure a speedy assessment of your application, please upload the above documents with your application form – your application cannot be assessed until relevant documentation is uploaded
  • Please title appropriately any documents you are uploading with the application form, for example "Supporting Statement", "Undergraduate Transcript", "Postgraduate Transcript", "English Language Certificate" etc.

International students can find more information on eligibility requirements here. 

Minimum Language Requirements

Where an applicant's first language is neither English nor Irish, excellent use of one of these languages must be demonstrated (either by having completed a degree in an English or Irish speaking country or by passing the International English Language Testing System exam, Academic Format, with an overall grade level of at least 6.5 (IELTS) and no score below 6 in any individual part).


EU Full-time: €7,000 Part-time: €3,800 per annum*

Non - EU Full-time: €14,200 Part-time: €7,500 per annum*

*Please note year 2 fees are subject to change

A discount of €1,200 euro will be applied to students who already hold the Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Clinical Practice.

Once registered, students can apply to pay their fees in instalments. A request for a payment plan should be emailed to

Further information on fees and payment of fees is available from the Student Fees Office website. All fee related queries should be directed to the Student Fees Office (Phone: +353 61 213 007 or email

Graduates will obtain in-depth knowledge of an area of Health Sciences to apply to their existing professional practice.

MSc Advanced Healthcare Practice


Still Curious?

The team from the Faculty of Education and Health Sciences regularly host and take part in webinars to support future students. If you would like to learn more or ask questions at an online information session, click below.