Course Details

Course Code(s):
Course Start Date:
Spring 2025
15 weeks
University Certificate of Study
Faculty: Science and Engineering
Course Type: Professional/Flexible
Fees: For Information on Fees, see section below.
Application Deadline:


Name: Dr Ian Grout
Email: Telephone: 00 353 61 202298

Express Interest

Register your interest here for more information or to be notified when applications are open.

Brief Description

Course queries or bookings can be made by emailing:

This course is organised by the MIDAS Electronics Systems Skillnet and is subsidised by Skillnet Ireland grant funding for upskilling of private sector company employees in the Rep. of Ireland.

Further course details are available at: Digital Test and Measurement CPD Module

The role of the test engineer is becoming ever more diverse with activities that link into design and IC fabrication. In this module, the role of test and test development engineering will be introduced and discussed in relation to their integration within a modern semiconductor company. The actions undertaken within the role of test will be discussed and the types of tests to be undertaken to identify the operation of digital ICs will be elaborated.

This is a standalone module for engineers working in the semiconductor industry. The specific focus of the module is in digital Integrated Circuit (IC) test.

This module is offered to practicing engineers working in digital Integrated Circuit (IC) test and test development activities. The module will be taught using a blended approach using on-campus face-to-face teaching and online using an appropriate Learning Management System (LMS).

The module will be run outside the normal Central Scheduling System and will be based on an initial on-campus day in week 1, online activities in weeks 2 to 14, and a final on-campus day in week 15.

  • IC technology: Rationale for test; Defects (spot defects and process variations); Fault modelling (Stuck-at fault, bridging fault, IDDQ fault, delay fault).
  • Digital IC test and measurement: Functional versus structural test; Test pattern generation: manual, fault simulation, Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG); Production test.
  • Digital circuit considerations: Combinational logic test; Sequential logic test; Memory (RAM) test; Memory (ROM) test; Parametric testing (analog considerations for digital I/O and power supply current); Processor test approaches; System on a Chip (SoC) test approaches.
  • DfT and BIST: Design for Testability (DfT); Built-In Self-Test (BIST).
  • Key IEEE standards: 1149.1; 1149.4; 1500; 1687.

The required laboratory equipment to undertake the module will be provided to the participants in week 1, and this equipment will be returned after a final project presentation in week 15.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • Discuss how electronic circuits and systems are tested.
  • Examine failure mechanisms in electronic circuits and systems.
  • Describe how test programs are developed for digital Integrated Circuits (ICs).
  • Show the need for effective testing procedures and the impact of decisions on test quality and cost.
  • Acknowledge the need to develop high quality and cost-effective test procedures within an organization.
  • Discuss how real-world non-ideal electronic circuit behavior will affect the test results obtained during test program operation.
  • Test digital circuits using simulation models and physical prototypes.
  • Perform tests on a digital IC circuit design and analyze the results.
  • Deliver test results in a suitable manner.


The module assessment will be based on the submission of weekly reports, a project with final report and demonstration, and an end of semester examination. The end of semester examination does not require a centrally scheduled examination as this will be in the form of a test that will be undertaken alongside project presentations and will be organized within the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering

This module is aimed at meeting Continued Professional Development (CPD) needs for practicing engineers in test and test development within the private electronics sector companies in Rep. of Ireland. 

Basic Python knowledge recommended – equivalent to level thought on MIDAS Skillnet Python 3 Intro course.

Participants will need to provide their own Windows laptop (with a minimum of 16 GB of RAM).

Entry requirements are established to ensure the learner can engage with the course material and assessments, at a level suitable to their needs, and the academic requirements of the module. By applying to this micro-credential, you are confirming that you have reviewed and understand any such requirements, and that you meet the eligibility criteria for admission.

Successful completion of this module does not automatically qualify you for entry into a further award. All programme applicants must meet the entry requirements listed if applying for a further award.

EU €1,875

 The fees for this programme are €1,875 (fee for employees of private sector companies which are not MIDAS members).

This course is subsidised by Skillnet Ireland grant funding for upskilling of private sector company employees in the Rep. of Ireland.

Further course details are available at: Digital Test and Measurement CPD Module
Course queries or bookings can be made by emailing: