Course Details
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Brief Description
This program will cater to exponents of Irish, Ballet and Contemporary and other dance forms. This cohort already have dance performance experience and are more suited to and interested in at this point engaging with contextualising and reflecting on the their dance skills while honing their academic skillset.
Year Long program
Semester 1 Autumn 30 Credits
Semester 2 Spring 30 Credits
Semester 3 Summer Final Presentation 30 Credits
Autumn | Spring | Summer |
MD6502 Repertoire and Style in Dance Performance 1 12 Credits DA6021 Dance Ethnography 6 Credits MD6021 Introduction to Fieldwork Techniques 3 Credits MD6041 Introduction to Ritual Studies 3 Credits
*Two Elective options
| MD6502 Repertoire and Style in Dance Performance 2 12 Credits MD6402 Contextualising Dance Performance 12 Credits
| MD5522 Final Presentation Dissertation
Elective Options
- AW6001 Academic Literacies for International Postgraduate Students*(compulsory)
- MD6031 Media Technologies for Performing Arts and Arts Research
- MD6051 Independent Study 1
- MD6061 Introduction to Somatics
- MD6071 Writing and the Documentation of Arts Practice
- MD6081Critical Engagements with Irish Traditional Music
- MD6111 Colloquium
- Advanced Dance in Health
- Advanced Dance Pedagogy
- Advanced Dance Studies
- MD6052 Independent Study 2
- MD6062 Critical Contexts for Arts Management and Cultural Policy
- MD6072 Writing and the Documentation of Practice 2
- MD6082 Choreography for Camera
- DA6002 Critical Encounters with Irish Traditional Dance
- MD6092 Introduction to Somatics 2
- MD6102 Colloquium 2
- MD6162 Interdisciplinary Practice
A primary degree in a suitable discipline with first or second class honours or an approved professional qualification (Primary degree: Level 8 - National Qualifications Authority of Ireland). An interview will be required in all cases, as well as an audition where necessary. Candidates may be required to submit additional audio visual and/or written material.
- Qualification transcripts and certificates
- A copy of your birth certificate or passport
- A copy of your CV
- If your qualifications have been obtained in a country where English is an official language this will suffice.
- If this is not available, the following additional documents must be provided:
- English translation of your qualification(s)/transcripts AND
- English language competency certificate
- Please click here for Further Information on English Language Requirements
Guidelines on Completing your Application
- To ensure a speedy assessment of your application, please upload the above documents with your application form – your application cannot be assessed until relevant documentation is uploaded
- Please title appropriately any documents you are uploading with the application form, for example "Supporting Statement", "Undergraduate Transcript", "Postgraduate Transcript", "English Language Certificate" etc.
International students can find more information on eligibility requirements here.
EU - €7,600
Non-EU - €17,400
Once registered, students can apply to pay their fees in instalments. A request for a payment plan should be emailed to student.fees.office@ul.ie.
Further information on fees and payment of fees is available from the Student Fees Office website. All fee related queries should be directed to the Student Fees Office (Phone: +353 61 213 007 or email student.fees.office@ul.ie.)
Graduate and Professional Studies
+353 (0)61 234377
University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
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