We have over 100 micro-credentials that have received between 50% and 80% funding under the HCI Micro-Credential Course Learner Subsidy. Making it even easier for you to take the next step towards further study. 

Summer 2025

MicroCred Course Page LinkDelivery ModeDuration
Aesthetic and ExpressiveBlended6 weeks
Building Leadership Capacity in Education through Effective Goalsetting and FeedbackBlended6 weeks
Competitive, Team and Individual Based ActivitiesBlended6 weeks
Curriculum Development and DesignOnline6 weeks
Leadership in Health Professional EducationBlended6 weeks
Public and Patient Involvement Summer SchoolIn Person2 days
Risk, Ethics, Governance and Artificial IntelligenceOnline5 weeks

Autumn 2025

MicroCred Page LinkDelivery ModeDuration
Accident InvestigationOnline6 weeks
Advanced Assessment in Respiratory NursingBlended12 weeks
Air Transportation Characteristics Online9 weeks
Applications of Psychology for Real LifeOnline12 weeks
Climate HazardsOnline6 weeks
Communication and Interpreting the Irish Healthcare SystemBlended6 weeks
Corporate Airline FinancesOnline9 weeks
Data Analytics for Cancer Real World Data ResearchOnline6 weeks
Data Analytics for Tax Online5 weeks
Data Exploration and AnalysisOnline12 weeks
Decision Making with Scarce ResourcesOnline12 weeks
Design ResearchBlended12 weeks
Digitalisation Of Process Blended- 1 day site visit, everything else online 13 weeks
Environmental Impact AssessmentOnline8 weeks
Family LawOnline12 weeks
Health & Safety Management System IntegrationOnline6 weeks
Health Research Methods and MethodologyBlended12 weeks
History of Art and Architecture Survey ModuleOnline8 weeks
Infection Prevention and Control in HealthCareBlended12 weeks
Intercultural Awareness in Diverse Health and Social Care SettingsBlended6 weeks
Introduction To Cyber-Physical Systems & Internet of ThingsBlended- 1 day site visit, everything else online 13 weeks
Introduction to Scientific Computing for AIOnline6 weeks
Introduction to Supply Chain ManagementOnline5 weeks
JurisprudenceOnline12 weeks
Law of Evidence Online12 weeks
Leading and Managing Practice Blended12 weeks
Lean Thinking / Lean Tools 1Online15 weeks
Marketing Technology ProductsOnline5 weeks
Optimisation of Health For Performance in Irish Dancing 1Online12 weeks
Philosophical Underpinnings of Gerontology CareBlended12 weeks
Practical and Research Psychology 1Online12 weeks
Principles of Palliative Care in PracticeBlended12 weeks
Principles of Primary and Community CareBlended12 weeks
Principles Underpinning Dementia CareBlended12 weeks
Principles Underpinning Perioperative NursingBlended12 weeks
Problem Solving Tools & TechniquesOnline15 weeks
Professional WritingOnline6 weeks
Project Management in PracticeOnline6 weeks
Quality Science IntroductionOnline15 weeks
Research in Health Professions EducationOnline12 weeks
Revenue Law and Negotiations Online8 weeks
Simulation Modelling in Supply ChainsOnline5 weeks
Supply Chain Management & Customer Relationship ManagementOnline5 weeks
Supporting Perinatal Mental HealthBlended12 weeks
SustainabilityOnline7 weeks
Sustainable Organisations and Decision MakingOnline6 weeks
The National EconomyOnline12 weeks
Theories of Psychosocial Assessment and CareBlended12 weeks