Friday, 15 December 2017

On Friday December 8, The University of Limerick hosted the 4th Annual Hellin Conference on Enabling Lifelong Learning. HELLIN was founded to promote and advance Lifelong Learning and Continuing & Professional Education for adults within Universities, Institutes of Technology and other relevant bodies in Ireland.

Dr Pat Phelan, Vice President Academic and Registrar, UL opened the conference and welcomed over 50 of the leading experts in higher and further education on campus. Chaired by Dr Ann Ledwith and Dr Lucy Hearne delegates listened to presentations on technology-enhanced learning, political, institutional and personal challenges to further education and personal development through lifelong learning.  Panel discussions with keynote speakers examined flexibility in education, looked at the relevance of subjects learned to people’s lives and employment progression leading to a new way of learning

Professor Tom Collins, Chair DIT delivered the afternoon keynote noting the disparity wealth distribution in Ireland with 50% of the population sharing 5% of all wealth greatly contributing to underachievement in education.  He also noted that “servicing debt is now a significant challenge in academic planning and institutional management with the locus of decision making in universities and institutions moving from the academics to the executive and the social project of education as a public good is weakened in this scenario”

The event concluded with feedback from round table discussions on recognition of prior learning, employer engagement and the relevance of lifelong learning to professional and personal development with one of the delegates commenting, “I really liked that I had the opportunity to chat with people who I wouldn't normally have the opportunity to engage with. I work in Further Education and Training and studying for my PhD so the day was wonderful from a personal as well as from a work point of view”.