Friday, 16 July 2021

Irish Universities Doctoral Skills Statement 2021

Graduate and Professional Studies welcome the new PhD Skills statement published by the Irish Universities Association. 

This ‘Irish Universities Doctoral Graduate Skills Statement’ outlines the desired learning outcomes and skills that doctoral students will have acquired during their doctoral education and training.

UL is committed to continuously delivering on this statement. PhD students learn a range of transferrable skills including writing and communication skills, ethics and integrity and personal development. These skills compliment the academic in a way that can accelerate the impact made by the PhD student's contribution to research.

An excerpt from the statement reads "Doctoral training is about the holistic development of researchers towards professional maturity. By the end of their doctoral training PhD graduates should be able to initiate and perform knowledge-production research activities, both in academic settings and beyond academic settings in public, charitable and private sectors. As per the first Salzburg principle: ‘The core component of doctoral training is the advancement of knowledge through original research. At the same time, it is recognised that doctoral training must increasingly meet'.

Read the full statement here.