The Care Aware Crew (CAC) is an initiative partnership between HSE Midwest, University of Limerick and Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board. The programme, designed for 3rd and 4th class pupils in Ireland. Co designed with pupils, teachers, principals and healthcare professionals, the programme enhances health literacy, leadership, first aid skills, while promoting healthcare as a career.
Furthermore this programme aligns with Ireland’s Social Personal and Health Education (SPHE) curriculum.
Care Aware Crew Research
Researchers from the University of Limerick are conducting an evaluation to help us understand the strengths and weaknesses of the Care Aware Crew programme. We want to find out if the programme is effective and enjoyable for the students and teachers or if we can make improvements in the future. The research study will involve surveys and interviews with the students and teachers who are participating in the programme. If your school is delivering the Care Aware Crew programme then you will be invited to participate and parents, students and teachers will be provided with information sheets and consent forms about the study. This research study has received ethical approval from the University of Limerick Education and Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee (2024_03_19_EHS). Further details about the study and how your data will be protected if you participate are available in the Research Privacy Notice.
Hear testimonials from Teachers and Principals who have delivered the programme
Registrations are now CLOSED for schools in the Midwest to take part in the Care Aware Crew Programme in 2025.
We would like to thank the 100+ schools in the Midwest region that registered for the 2025 Care Aware Crew initiative. This ready-to-go programme co-designed by pupils, teachers and healthcare professionals with the aim of developing health promotion and leadership skills, aligned with the SPHE curriculum, while at the same time introducing careers in healthcare.
The programme will start its rollout in January 2025.
For further information please contact HealthSciencesAcademy@ul.ie.
Background on the Care Aware Crew Initiative
The Care Aware Crew pilot project was rolled out in early March 2022 to six primary schools in Limerick. It was funded by QExchange following a successful funding award. Aiming to build leadership and health promotion skills among 3rd and 4th class pupils in the area of first aid, it was created and developed with clinical staff from UL Hospitals, Mid-west Community Healthcare, University of Limerick and Limerick & Clare Education & Training Board (LCETB). The project consists of five downloadable lessons each about a different aspect of First Aid. They were prepared by locally based clinical professionals following consultation with teachers and pupils who took part.
Phase two of the Care Aware Crew took place in February 2023 and was successfully rolled out to thirteen schools in the Limerick and Clare areas.
We are delighted that phase three of the Care Aware Crew launched in February 2024. This year, the programme was rolled out in 16 schools, 29 classrooms to 681 students across Limerick and Clare.

In 2024 the Health Sciences Academy is delighted to announce our success in the recent HSE Spark Impact bid. We have secured €88,700 to scale our Care Aware Crew programme across all primary schools in the MidWest region in 2025. In addition we will develop a website to make the programme accessible to all primary schools nationally.
The Care Aware Crew aims to build leadership and health promotion skills among 3rd class pupils, it was created and developed with clinical staff from HSE Midwest and University of Limerick and Limerick & Clare Education & Training Board.
This funding is approved for the following elements of the programme expansion:
- Website development
- New student video lessons
- End of programme rewards
- Bespoke student workbooks
- First aid supplies

How Does It Work
Once registered the teachers will receive an educational video and worksheet with activities to carry out with their class per week, commencing end of January - beginning of February 2025 (depending the package selected). In 2025 the Care Aware Crew programme offers two packages:
First Aid
- Week 1 Calling an Ambulance
- Week 2 Fractures and Sprains
- Week 3 Head Injuries
- Week 4 Wound Care
- Week 5 First Aid Kit
- Week 6 Sudden Medical Emergencies
Human Body
- Week 1 Caring for Your Skin
- Week 2 Healthy Heart
- Week 3 Brilliant Brain
- Week 4 Immune System
These activities aim to support the pupils' learning and are a mixture of practical-based and knowledge-based activities. Designed to help the students revise what they have learned about treating cuts, wounds, fractures and sprains each class will also receive: absorbent dressings waterproof adhesive non-woven wound dressings, elastic support bandages, self-adhesive tape Surgical tape, fabric plasters and examination gloves
After the programme, the pupils have the option to undertake a project, with their teacher, to showcase their learning.
For more information contact the Health Sciences Academy on HealthSciencesAcademy@ul.ie.
Why should schools participate in the Care Aware Crew Programme?
Impact of the Care Aware Crew Programme?