The 2024 Equality and Inclusion Conference, themed "Building Diverse Teams," was held on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at the Clinical Education and Research Centre, University Hospital Limerick.
The event emphasised the significance of embracing diversity and neurodiversity to strengthen teamwork, enhance patient care, and drive innovation in healthcare. The conference featured special guest speakers:
Discover the power of diverse, collaborative teams in healthcare at our symposium including special guest speakers:
Dr Jenny McMahon, Head of the Department of Educational Psychology, Inclusive and Special Education, Mary Immaculate College (MIC). Presentation Title: Background to Neurodiversity and Symposium- Adopting Inclusive Culture, Universal Design Support
Mr Thomas O'Shaughnessy, Manager of the Educational Assistive Technology Centre at University of Limerick. Presentation Title: Promoting Accessible & Inclusive Practices in Healthcare
Ms Maria Molony and Ms Ruth Reidy, HSE Diversity, Equality and Inclusion. Presentation title: Vision for diversity, equality and inclusion in the HSE workforce
Lightning Talks- short presentation on initiatives and research projects addressing neurodiversity in the healthcare workplace
- Ms Julieann Cullen, Health Promotion Officer, HSE Dublin and Midlands: Every Mind Matters, Embracing Neurodiversity, Fostering Inclusion and Innovation in the Workplace
- Ms Ger Crilly and Ms Pauline Chapman, Nursing CPC, University Hospital Limerick: Nursing Students, UHL, Diversity & Inclusion. The Journey- Not the Destination.
- Dr Claire O’Donnell, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Limerick: a Practice Learning Educational Needs Assessment (PLENS) document for supporting Nursing and Midwifery students with disabilities on practice placement
Dr Sadhbh O'Dwyer, Researcher in Inclusion, University of Limerick. Presentation title: Supporting neurodivergent capabilities in healthcare professionals