Tuesday, 25 June 2024

The 2024 EWCA Conference was held on June 11th – 14th, 2024, at the University of Limerick, Ireland. The EWCA is the European Writing Center Association, and the Regional Writing Centre helped facilitate this year’s conference. Concurring with the 40th anniversary of Stephen North’s “idea of a writing center” (1984), this year’s EWCA conference invited participants to take stock of regional and transnational directions in writing center research or practice and reimagine their futures.

Delegates from all over the world met to celebrate the communities found and created by writing centres this week, resulting in quite the eventful occasion! There was a wide range of topics both taught and learnt throughout the conference, and our delegates found the breadth of involvement both inside and outside the sessions to be phenomenal.


The EWCA conference gave delegates from all corners of the map the chance to see UL’s beautiful campus, as well as our own wonderful Writing Centre. The RWCUL director, Lawrence Cleary, planned a fantastic and engaging week for all those involved, and his dedication to the quality of the Regional Writing Centre was reflected in the role he played in planning this year’s conference.