Research on the development of high capacity and safe materials that can be incorporated into traditional Li-ion batteries to boost performance. Specific focus is on the development of high-capacity anodes (e.g silicon-based). Solid-state Li-ion battery development for enhanced safety is also being investigated.

AMPEiRE has broad activity within the Li-ion development space. These efforts harness materials synthesis and characterization expertise from the Department of Chemical Sciences and Bernal Institute to develop high-performance Li-ion active materials. UL has coordinated two European projects in this space (Si-DRIVE from 2018-2023) and the current project SiGNE( Research spans a range of different material classes, with particular focus on anode materials. A number of intercalation (3), alloying (1) and conversion type (4) anodes have been developed in UL, with particular focus on high-capacity Si anodes (2).

Example Publications: