
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca
Facultatea de Științe Politice, Administrative și ale Comunicării 
Departamentul de Sănătate Publică 
7, Pandurilor Street, Hotel Universitas building, 9th floor, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania, 4003762

Our Research 

Petru SANDU, MD, PhD, MS, BPhEd, is the Romanian IMPAQT team PI. His work is focused on health promotion, public health policy with an emphasis on physical activity policy. He is the co-leader of the Policy Approaches to Physical Activity Promotion within the HEPA Europe network. Also, he teaches public health ethics to bachelor and master students. Petru has 15 years of experience in international research implementation.  

László PÉTER, PhD, sociologist, 1973, teaches Sociology of Social Problems and Sociology of Sports at Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania. His field of interest: social problems and sociology of sport/football. László Péter is the author of SP 5.0. Theory and Practice on Five Global Social Problems (Cluj University Press, 2009) and Aspects on Sociology of Poverty (Cluj University Press, 2006) and Forbidden Football in Ceaușescu’s Romania (Palgrave MacMillan, 2018). He completed his studies at UBB, Cluj (Romania), ETLE Budapest (Hungary), and the University of Jyvaskyla (Finland), and was a researcher at Yale University (USA). 

Andrei RUS, BA(c), is an early-career professional with a background in public health and law studies from Babeș-Bolyai University. With over three years of professional experience, Andrei has served in roles such as Assistant Manager and Research Technician for various research projects, funded by international institutions like the European Commission or UNICEF.  

Our IMPAQT team 

The Department of Public Health operates within the Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca and carries out research and educational activities in the field of public health. Our goal is to improve the health and well-being of the population through interdisciplinary research, education, and awareness. With over 50 research projects and capacity-building initiatives implemented with partners from over 30 countries, research is essential to the department's mission. Our research efforts focus on implementing research-development-innovation projects, capacity building, and mobility in public health. The Department of Public Health is shaping the next generation of professionals in the field of health policy and services, providing state-of-the-art knowledge and experiential learning as part of undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs in public health. 

Dr Peter Laszlo

Email: laszlo.peter@ubbcluj.ro
Orcid ID: 0000-0001-6058-8385

Dr. Petru SANDU

Email: petrusandumd@gmail.com
Orcid ID: 0000-0001-6790-4678

Andrei Rus

Email: ndrei.rus@publichealth.ro
Orcid ID: 0009-0004-0856-019X

Principal Investigator: Professor Catherine WoodsIMPAQT

Physical Activity for Health (PAfH) Research Centre
Health Research Institute
Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
Faculty of Education and Health Sciences
University of Limerick

Email: catherine.woods@ul.ie